Examples of using netsh advfirewall consec show, including their advantages, disadvantages and other considerations!

The use of the command "netsh advfirewall consec show" is limited to displaying rules, and you will not be able to find more in the documentation for this command. The functionality of the command is limited to displaying the firewall rules information, and there may be no other specific options or arguments for this command.

Examples for "netsh advfirewall consec show" with comments!

The `netsh advfirewall consec show" command can be used with `rule` to display the list of all configured consecutive connection rules in Windows Firewall. It provides information about each rule, including its name, originating IP address range, destination IP address, destination port, connection count, timeout, and action. Here is an example of how to use the `netsh advfirewall consec show rule` command:

netsh advfirewall consec show rule all

This command displays a list of all configured consecutive connection rules. Each rule is listed on a separate line and the following information is displayed for each rule: * Name: The name of the rule * Origin IP address range: The range of origin IP addresses affected by the rule * Target IP Address: The target IP address affected by the rule * Target Port: The target port affected by the rule * Connection Count: The maximum number of consecutive connections allowed before the firewall takes action * Timeout: The number of seconds the firewall should wait before counting a new connection as a separate connection * Action: The action the firewall should take when the maximum number of consecutive connections is reached As an example, the following output shows a single consecutive connection rule:

Rule name: bruteforce
Origin IP address range:
Destination IP address:
Destination port: 22
Connection number: 10
Timeout: 10
Action: BLOCK

This rule would block all connections from IP addresses in the range to to IP address on port 22 if more than 10 consecutive connections are made within 10 seconds.

Considerations for using "netsh advfirewall consec show"

Since only this is possible:

netsh advfirewall consec show rule

Check out the examples here.


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