Windows 10 netsh dhcpclient command

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.3570]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. C:\Windows>netsh dhcpclient ? list - Lists all the commands available. help - Displays help. ? - Displays help. trace - Enable or disable tracing for DHCP client, Dump the last 100 traces.

Displays help.

»netsh »dhcpclient »help

C:\Windows>netsh dhcpclient help ?

Usage: help

       Displays help.

Lists all the commands available.

»netsh »dhcpclient »list

C:\Windows>netsh dhcpclient list ?

Usage: list

       Lists all the commands available.

Enable or disable tracing for DHCP client, Dump the last 100 traces.

»netsh »dhcpclient »trace

C:\Windows>netsh dhcpclient trace ?

trace enable|disable       - Enables/Disables tracing for DHCP client.

trace dump                 - Dumps the last 100 traces.

Dumps the last 100 traces.

»netsh »dhcpclient »trace »dump

C:\Windows>netsh dhcpclient trace dump ?

Command completed successfully.

Enables/Disables tracing for DHCP client.

»netsh »dhcpclient »trace »enable|disable

C:\Windows>netsh dhcpclient trace enable|disable ?
'netsh dhcpclient trace enable|disable' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

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