Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22621.2428]
(c) Microsoft Corporation.
C:\Windows>netsh winhttp ?
The following commands are available:
Commands in this context:
? - Displays a list of commands.
dump - Displays a configuration script.
help - Displays a list of commands.
import - Imports WinHTTP proxy settings.
reset - Resets WinHTTP settings.
set - Configures WinHTTP settings.
show - Displays currents settings.
To view help for a command, type the command, followed by a space, and then
type ?.
Displays a configuration script.
C:\Windows>netsh winhttp dump ?
Usage: dump
Creates a script that contains the current configuration. If saved to a
file, this script can be used to restore altered configuration settings.
Displays a list of commands.
C:\Windows>netsh winhttp help ?
Usage: help
Displays a list of commands.
Imports WinHTTP proxy settings.
C:\Windows>netsh winhttp import ?
The following commands are available:
Commands in this context:
import proxy - Imports proxy setting from IE.
Imports proxy setting from IE.
C:\Windows>netsh winhttp import proxy ?
Usage: import proxy [source=]ie
Tag Value
source - from where the setting is imported
import proxy source=ie
Resets WinHTTP settings.
C:\Windows>netsh winhttp reset ?
The following commands are available:
Commands in this context:
reset autoproxy - Resets WinHTTP proxy autodiscovery service.
reset proxy - Resets WinHTTP proxy setting to DIRECT.
reset tracing - Use netsh trace stop.
Resets WinHTTP proxy autodiscovery service.
C:\Windows>netsh winhttp reset autoproxy ?
Usage: reset autoproxy
Remarks: Resets WinHTTP proxy autodiscovery service.
Resets WinHTTP proxy setting to DIRECT.
C:\Windows>netsh winhttp reset proxy ?
Usage: reset proxy
Remarks: Resets WinHTTP proxy setting to DIRECT.
Use netsh trace stop.
C:\Windows>netsh winhttp reset tracing ?
Use netsh trace stop.
Configures WinHTTP settings.
C:\Windows>netsh winhttp set ?
The following commands are available:
Commands in this context:
set advproxy - Configures WinHTTP advanced proxy setting.
set proxy - Configures WinHTTP proxy setting.
set tracing - Use netsh trace start scenario=InternetClient.
Configures WinHTTP advanced proxy setting.
C:\Windows>netsh winhttp set advproxy ?
set advproxy setting-scope=<scope> settings=<settings>
set advproxy setting-scope=<scope> settings-file=<settings-file>
Tag Value
settings-scope - user or machine
settings-file - a file in json format containing the settings
settings - proxy settings in json format
The JSON object has to contain the properties
"Proxy" - string value
"ProxyBypass" - string value
"AutoconfigUrl" - string value
"AutoDetect" - boolean value
set advproxy setting-scope=machine settings={<settings>}
set advproxy setting-scope=user settings-file=settings.json
Configures WinHTTP proxy setting.
C:\Windows>netsh winhttp set proxy ?
Usage: set proxy [proxy-server=]<server name> [bypass-list=]<hosts list>
Tag Value
proxy-server - proxy server for use for http and/or https protocol
bypass-list - a list of sites that should be visited bypassing the
proxy (use "<local>" to bypass all short name hosts)
set proxy myproxy
set proxy myproxy:80 "<local>;bar"
set proxy proxy-server="http=myproxy;https=sproxy:88" bypass-list="*"
Use netsh trace start scenario
C:\Windows>netsh winhttp set tracing ?
Use netsh trace start scenario=InternetClient.
Displays currents settings.
C:\Windows>netsh winhttp show ?
The following commands are available:
Commands in this context:
show advproxy - Displays current WinHTTP advanced proxy setting.
show proxy - Displays current WinHTTP proxy setting.
show tracing - Use netsh trace show.
Displays current WinHTTP advanced proxy setting.
C:\Windows>netsh winhttp show advproxy ?
Usage: show advproxy
Remarks: Displays current WinHTTP advanced proxy setting.
Displays current WinHTTP proxy setting.
C:\Windows>netsh winhttp show proxy ?
Usage: show proxy
Remarks: Displays current WinHTTP proxy setting.
Use netsh trace show.
C:\Windows>netsh winhttp show tracing ?
Use netsh trace show.
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