Windows Seven netsh nap command

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7000]
(C) Copyright 2009 Microsoft Corp. C:\Windows>netsh nap ? The following commands are available: Commands in this context: ? - Displays a list of commands. client - Changes to the `netsh nap client' context. dump - Displays a configuration script. help - Displays a list of commands. hra - Changes to the `netsh nap hra' context. reset - Resets configuration. show - Shows configuration and state information. The following sub-contexts are available: client hra To view help for a command, type the command, followed by a space, and then type ?.

Changes to the `netsh nap client' context.

»netsh »nap »client

C:\Windows>netsh nap client ?

The following commands are available:

Commands in this context:
?              - Displays a list of commands.
add            - Adds configuration.
delete         - Deletes configuration.
dump           - Displays a configuration script.
export         - Exports configuration settings.
help           - Displays a list of commands.
import         - Imports configuration settings.
rename         - Renames configuration.
reset          - Resets configuration.
set            - Sets configuration.
show           - Shows configuration and state information.

To view help for a command, type the command, followed by a space, and then
 type ?.

Adds configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »add

C:\Windows>netsh nap client add ?

The following commands are available:

Commands in this context:
add server     - Adds trusted server configuration.
add trustedservergroup - Adds trusted server group configuration.

Adds trusted server configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »add »server

C:\Windows>netsh nap client add server ?

add server 
   [ group = ] group 
   [ url = ] url 
   [ [ processingorder = ] processingorder ] 
   Adds the URL to a trusted server group. 
   group - Specifies the name of the trusted server group. (Required) 
   url - Specifies the URL. (Required) 
         Servers added to this group must use the https:// prefix if required 
         by the trusted server group.   

   processingorder - Sets the processing order of the URL. If you do not 
                     specify the processing order, the URL is added last in 
                     the list. (Optional) 
      add server group = "group1" url = "url1" processingorder = "1" 

Adds trusted server group configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »add »trustedservergroup

C:\Windows>netsh nap client add trustedservergroup ?

add trustedservergroup 
   [ name = ] name 
   [ requirehttps = ] ENABLE|DISABLE (optional) 
   Adds a trusted server group. 
   name - Specifies the name of the trusted server group. (Required) 
   requirehttps - Specifies whether server verification (https:) is required for all servers in this group. (optional) 
      ENABLE  - All servers require https. (Default) 
      DISABLE - Non https servers are allowed.  
      add trustedservergroup name = "group1" requirehttps = "ENABLE" 

Deletes configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »delete

C:\Windows>netsh nap client delete ?

The following commands are available:

Commands in this context:
delete server  - Deletes trusted server configuration.
delete trustedservergroup - Deletes trusted server group configuration.

Deletes trusted server configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »delete »server

C:\Windows>netsh nap client delete server ?

delete server 
   [ group = ] group 
   [ url = ] url 
   Deletes the URL from a specified trusted server group. 
   group - Specifies the name of the trusted server group. (Required) 
   url - Specifies the URL. (Required) 
      delete server group = "group1" url = "url1" 

Deletes trusted server group configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »delete »trustedservergroup

C:\Windows>netsh nap client delete trustedservergroup ?

delete trustedservergroup 
   [ name = ] name 
   Deletes a trusted server group. 
   name - Specifies the name of the trusted server group. (Required) 
      delete trustedservergroup name = "group1" 

Displays a configuration script.

»netsh »nap »client »dump

C:\Windows>netsh nap client dump ?

Usage: dump

    Creates a script that contains the current configuration.  If saved to a
    file, this script can be used to restore altered configuration settings.

Exports configuration settings.

»netsh »nap »client »export

C:\Windows>netsh nap client export ?

   [ filename = ] filename 
   Exports an .xml file that contains the current configuration settings for 
   the Network Access Protection (NAP) client. 
   filename - Specifies the file path. (Required) 
      export filename = "c:\config.xml" 

Displays a list of commands.

»netsh »nap »client »help

C:\Windows>netsh nap client help ?

Usage: help

       Displays a list of commands.

Imports configuration settings.

»netsh »nap »client »import

C:\Windows>netsh nap client import ?

   [ filename = ] filename 
   Imports an .xml file that contains configuration settings for the Network 
   Access Protection (NAP) client. 
   filename - Specifies the file path. (Required) 
      import filename = "c:\config.xml" 

Renames configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »rename

C:\Windows>netsh nap client rename ?

The following commands are available:

Commands in this context:
rename server  - Renames trusted server configuration.
rename trustedservergroup - Renames trusted server group configuration.

Renames trusted server configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »rename »server

C:\Windows>netsh nap client rename server ?

rename server 
   [ group = ] group 
   [ url = ] url 
   [ newurl = ] url 
   Renames the URL of an existing trusted server in a specified trusted 
   server group. 
   group - Specifies the name of the trusted server group. (Required) 
   url - Specifies the existing URL. (Required) 
   newurl - Specifies the new URL. (Required) 
      rename server group = "group1" url = "url1" newurl = "url2"  

Renames trusted server group configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »rename »trustedservergroup

C:\Windows>netsh nap client rename trustedservergroup ?

rename trustedservergroup 
   [ name = ] name 
   [ newname = ] newname 
   Renames a trusted server group. 
   name - Specifies the existing name of the trusted server group. 
   newname - Specifies the new name of the trusted server group. (Required) 
      rename trustedservergroup name = "group1" newname = "group2" 

Resets configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »reset

C:\Windows>netsh nap client reset ?

The following commands are available:

Commands in this context:
reset configuration - Resets configuration.
reset csp      - Resets CSP configuration.
reset enforcement - Resets enforcement configuration.
reset hash     - Resets hash configuration.
reset server   - Resets trusted server configuration.
reset tracing  - Resets tracing configuration.
reset trustedservergroup - Resets trusted server group configuration.
reset userinterface - Resets user interface configuration.

Resets configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »reset »configuration

C:\Windows>netsh nap client reset configuration ?

reset configuration 
   Resets configuration. 

Resets CSP configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »reset »csp

C:\Windows>netsh nap client reset csp ?

reset csp 
   Sets the cryptographic service provider (CSP) parameter to "MS-Enhanced cryptographic service provider".

Resets enforcement configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »reset »enforcement

C:\Windows>netsh nap client reset enforcement ?

reset enforcement 
   Sets the enforcement client parameter to "DISABLED". 

Resets hash configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »reset »hash

C:\Windows>netsh nap client reset hash ?

reset hash 
   Sets the hash algorithm parameter to "SHA1". 

Resets trusted server configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »reset »server

C:\Windows>netsh nap client reset server ?

reset server 
   [ group = ] group 
   Deletes all URLs in a specified trusted server group. 
   group - Specifies the name of the trusted server group. (Required) 
      reset server group = "group1"  

Resets tracing configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »reset »tracing

C:\Windows>netsh nap client reset tracing ?

reset tracing 
   Sets the tracing parameter to "DISABLE".

Resets trusted server group configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »reset »trustedservergroup

C:\Windows>netsh nap client reset trustedservergroup ?

reset trustedservergroup 
   Deletes all trusted server groups and the list of all health 
   registration authority servers (by URL) contained in each trusted server 

Resets user interface configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »reset »userinterface

C:\Windows>netsh nap client reset userinterface ?

reset userinterface 
   Deletes all  settings in the user interface. 

Sets configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »set

C:\Windows>netsh nap client set ?

The following commands are available:

Commands in this context:
set csp        - Sets CSP configuration.
set enforcement - Sets enforcement configuration.
set hash       - Sets hash configuration.
set server     - Sets trusted server configuration.
set tracing    - Sets tracing configuration.
set userinterface - Sets user interface configuration.

Sets CSP configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »set »csp

C:\Windows>netsh nap client set csp ?

set csp 
   [ name = ] name 
   [ [ keylength = ] keylength ] 
   Sets the cryptographic service provider (CSP) that will be used on the 
   target computer. You can obtain the name from the "show csps" command. 
   name - Specifies the name of the CSP. You can specify only one name. 
   keylength - Specifies the length of the asymmetric key. The default is 
             2048. (Optional) 
      set csp name = "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider" keylength = "2048" 

Sets enforcement configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »set »enforcement

C:\Windows>netsh nap client set enforcement ?

set enforcement 
   [ID = ] id 
   Enables or disables enforcement clients. You can specify one or more 
   enforcement clients, but you must specify at least one. By default, all 
   enforcement clients are disabled. 
   Id - the identifier for the Quarantine Enforcement Client (QEC).  
     set enforcement ID = 67213 ADMIN = "DISABLE" 

Sets hash configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »set »hash

C:\Windows>netsh nap client set hash ?

set hash 
   [ oid = ] oid 
   Sets the hash algorithm that will be used on the target computer. You can 
   obtain the oid from the "show hashes" command. 
   oid - Specifies the oid of the hash algorithm. You can specify only one 
          oid. (Required) 
      set hash oid = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.5" 

Sets trusted server configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »set »server

C:\Windows>netsh nap client set server ?

set server 
   [ group = ] group 
   [ url = ] url 
   [ processingorder = ] processingorder 
   Sets the configuration of a trusted server. 
   group - Specfies the name of the trusted server group. (Required) 
   url - Specifies the URL. (Required) 
   processingorder - Sets the processing order of the URL. If you do not 
                     specify the processing order, the URL is added last in 
                     the list. (Required) 
      set server group = "group1" url = "url1" processingorder = "1" 

Sets tracing configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »set »tracing

C:\Windows>netsh nap client set tracing ?

set tracing 
   [ [ state = ] ENABLE|DISABLE 
     [ level = ] BASIC|ADVANCED|VERBOSE ] 
   Sets tracing settings. You must specify at least one parameter. 
   state - Specifies whether tracing is enabled or disabled. The default 
           value is "DISABLE". (Optional) 
      ENABLE  - Enables tracing. 
      DISABLE - Disables tracing. (Default) 
   level - Specifies the level of information that appears in the tracing 
           log file. The default value is "BASIC". (Optional) 
      BASIC    - Basic tracing detail. (Default) 
      ADVANCED - Advanced tracing detail. 
      VERBOSE  - Verbose tracing detail. 
      set tracing state = "ENABLE" level = "BASIC" 

Sets user interface configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »set »userinterface

C:\Windows>netsh nap client set userinterface ?

set userinterface 
   [ [ title = ] title 
     [ text = ] text 
     [ image = ] image ] 
   Sets the user interface settings. You must specify one or more parameters. 
   title - Specifies the title that appears in the user interface. 
   text - Specifies the description that appears in the user interface. 
   image - Specifies the image that appears in the user interface. 
      set userinterface title = "My company" 
        text = "Protecting your PC" 
        image = "c:\Logo.jpg"  

Shows configuration and state information.

»netsh »nap »client »show

C:\Windows>netsh nap client show ?

The following commands are available:

Commands in this context:
show configuration - Shows configuration.
show csps      - Shows CSP configuration.
show grouppolicy - Shows group policy configuration.
show hashes    - Shows hash configuration.
show state     - Shows state.
show trustedservergroup - Shows all trusted server groups.

Shows configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »show »configuration

C:\Windows>netsh nap client show configuration ?

show configuration 
   Shows configuration settings and state information. 

Shows CSP configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »show »csps

C:\Windows>netsh nap client show csps ?

show csps 
   Shows all available cryptographic service providers (CSPs) on the target 
   system. Use this command to obtain the names that you can use in the 
   "add csp" and "delete csp" commands. 

Shows group policy configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »show »grouppolicy

C:\Windows>netsh nap client show grouppolicy ?

show grouppolicy 
   Shows group policy configuration settings and state information. 

Shows hash configuration.

»netsh »nap »client »show »hashes

C:\Windows>netsh nap client show hashes ?

show hashes 
   Shows all available hash algorithms on the target system. Use this 
   command to obtain the oids that you can use in the "add hash" and 
   "delete hash" commands. 

Shows state.

»netsh »nap »client »show »state

C:\Windows>netsh nap client show state ?

show state 
   Shows state information. 

Shows all trusted server groups.

»netsh »nap »client »show »trustedservergroup

C:\Windows>netsh nap client show trustedservergroup ?

show trustedservergroup 
   Shows all trusted server groups and the URLs in each group. 

Displays a configuration script.

»netsh »nap »dump

C:\Windows>netsh nap dump ?

Usage: dump

    Creates a script that contains the current configuration.  If saved to a
    file, this script can be used to restore altered configuration settings.

Displays a list of commands.

»netsh »nap »help

C:\Windows>netsh nap help ?

Usage: help

       Displays a list of commands.

Changes to the `netsh nap hra' context.

»netsh »nap »hra

C:\Windows>netsh nap hra ?
The system cannot find the file specified.

Resets configuration.

»netsh »nap »reset

C:\Windows>netsh nap reset ?

The following commands are available:

Commands in this context:
reset configuration - Resets configuration.

Resets configuration.

»netsh »nap »reset »configuration

C:\Windows>netsh nap reset configuration ?

reset configuration 
   Resets configuration. 

Shows configuration and state information.

»netsh »nap »show

C:\Windows>netsh nap show ?

The following commands are available:

Commands in this context:
show configuration - Shows configuration.

Shows configuration.

»netsh »nap »show »configuration

C:\Windows>netsh nap show configuration ?

show configuration 
   Shows configuration settings and state information. 

- br -/- de -/- dk -/- en -/- es -/- fr -/- hu -/- it -/- jp -/- pt -/- tr -


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