Windows Seven netsh wlan command

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7000]
(C) Copyright 2009 Microsoft Corp. C:\Windows>netsh wlan ? The following commands are available: Commands in this context: ? - Displays a list of commands. add - Adds a configuration entry to a table. connect - Connects to a wireless network. delete - Deletes a configuration entry from a table. disconnect - Disconnects from a wireless network. dump - Displays a configuration script. export - Saves WLAN profiles to XML files. help - Displays a list of commands. refresh - Refresh hosted network settings. reportissues - Generate WLAN smart trace report. set - Sets configuration information. show - Displays information. start - Start hosted network. stop - Stop hosted network. To view help for a command, type the command, followed by a space, and then type ?.

Adds a configuration entry to a table.

»netsh »wlan »add

C:\Windows>netsh wlan add ?

The following commands are available:

Commands in this context:
add filter     - Add a wireless network into the wireless allowed or
                 blocked list.
add profile    - Add a WLAN profile to specified interface on the system.

Add a wireless network into the wireless allowed or

»netsh »wlan »add »filter

C:\Windows>netsh wlan add filter ?

Usage: add filter [permission=]allow|block|denyall [[ssid=]<string>] 


    Tag             Value
    permission    - Permission type of the filter.
    ssid          - SSID of the wireless network.
    networktype   - Network type of the wireless network.


    Adds a wireless network into the allowed and blocked network list 
    configured on the system.

    Parameter ssid is required if permission is allow or block. If permission
    is denyall then parameter ssid should not be given.


    add filter permission=allow ssid=ssid1 networktype=infrastructure
    add filter permission=block ssid=ssid2 networktype=adhoc
    add filter permission=denyall networktype=adhoc

Add a WLAN profile to specified interface on the system.

»netsh »wlan »add »profile

C:\Windows>netsh wlan add profile ?

Usage: add profile [filename=]<string> [[interface=]<string>] [[user=]all|current]


    Tag             Value
    filename      - Name of the profile XML file.
    interface     - Interface name.
    user          - User scope, all users or only current user.


    Add a wireless network profile on an interface for all or current users.

    Parameter filename is required. It is the name of the XML file containing
    the profile data.

    Parameter interface is optional. It is one of the interface name shown 
    by "netsh wlan show interface" command. If interface name is given, 
    the profile will be added to the specified interface, otherwise the 
    profile will be added on all wireless interfaces. 

    Parameter user is optional. It specifies whether this profile is applied
    to all users or current user only. By default it is applied to all users.


    add profile filename="Profile1.xml" interface="Wireless Network Connection"

Connects to a wireless network.

»netsh »wlan »connect

C:\Windows>netsh wlan connect ?

Usage: connect [name=]<string> [[ssid=]<string>] [[interface=]<string>] 


    Tag             Value
    ssid          - SSID of the wireless network.
    name          - Name of the profile to be used in connection attempt.
    interface     - Name of the interface from which connection is attempted.


    Connect to the wireless network given by ssid using the specified 
    profile. Connection is attempted from the specified interface unless 
    there is only one available interface on the system, in which case, 
    the interface parameter can be omitted.

    Parameter profile name is required but ssid is optional. If only one
    SSID exists in the profile, then this SSID is used to connect. If there
    are multiple SSIDs in the profile, then parameter ssid is required.

    Parameter interface is required if there are two or more available 
    interfaces on the system. When interface is specified, it cannot be 
    a wildcard name.

    If the specified interface is already connected to a wireless network,
    this command will first disconnect from the currently connected network,
    then attempt to connect to the new network. However, if these two networks
    are the same this command simply returns success and does nothing.


    connect name=Profile1 ssid=SSID1
    connect name=Profile2 ssid=SSID2 interface="Wireless Network Connection"

Deletes a configuration entry from a table.

»netsh »wlan »delete

C:\Windows>netsh wlan delete ?

The following commands are available:

Commands in this context:
delete filter  - Remove a wireless network from the wireless allowed or
                 blocked list.
delete profile - Delete a WLAN profile from one or multiple interfaces.

Remove a wireless network from the wireless allowed or

»netsh »wlan »delete »filter

C:\Windows>netsh wlan delete filter ?

Usage: delete filter [permission=]allow|block|denyall [[ssid=]<string>] 


    Tag             Value
    permission    - Permission type of the filter.
    ssid          - SSID of the wireless network.
    networktype   - Network type of the wireless network.


    Removes a wireless network from the allowed and blocked network list 
    configured on the system.

    Parameter ssid is required if permission is allow or block. If permission
    is denyall then parameter ssid should not be given.


    delete filter permission=allow ssid=ssid1 networktype=infrastructure
    delete filter permission=block ssid=ssid2 networktype=adhoc
    delete filter permission=denyall networktype=adhoc

Delete a WLAN profile from one or multiple interfaces.

»netsh »wlan »delete »profile

C:\Windows>netsh wlan delete profile ?

Usage: delete profile [name=]<string> [[interface=]<string>]


    Tag             Value
    name          - Name of the profile to delete.
    interface     - Interface name.


    Remove a wireless network profile from an interface or all interfaces.

    Parameter name is required. It is the name of the profile to be deleted.
    Parameter interface is optional. If it is given then the profile will
    be deleted from specified interface only. If it is omitted then the
    profile will be deleted from all the interfaces that have such a profile.

    Profile name can have wildcard characters and multiple profiles with 
    matching name will be removed.


    delete profile name="Profile 1" interface="Wireless Network Connection"
    delete profile name="Profile 1" i=*

Disconnects from a wireless network.

»netsh »wlan »disconnect

C:\Windows>netsh wlan disconnect ?

Usage: disconnect [[interface=]<string>] 


    Tag             Value
    interface     - Name of the interface from which disconnection is


    Disconnect from the wireless network on the specified interface.

    Parameter interface is required if there are two or more available 
    interfaces on the system. Wildcard characters can be used in the 
    interface name to specify multiple interfaces. 


    disconnect interface="Wireless Network Connection"

Displays a configuration script.

»netsh »wlan »dump

C:\Windows>netsh wlan dump ?

Usage: dump

    Creates a script that contains the current configuration.  If saved to a
    file, this script can be used to restore altered configuration settings.

Saves WLAN profiles to XML files.

»netsh »wlan »export

C:\Windows>netsh wlan export ?

The following commands are available:

Commands in this context:
export hostednetworkprofile - Export the hosted network profile to XML file.
export profile - Export specified profiles to XML files.

Export the hosted network profile to XML file.

»netsh »wlan »export »hostednetworkprofile

C:\Windows>netsh wlan export hostednetworkprofile ?

Usage: export hostednetworkprofile


    This command saves the hosted network client profile to a XML file. 
    It can be added to other windows wireless clients to connect to this 
    hosted network. 


    export hostednetworkprofile 

Export specified profiles to XML files.

»netsh »wlan »export »profile

C:\Windows>netsh wlan export profile ?

Usage: export profile [name=]<string> [folder=]<string> [[interface=]<string>] [key=<string>]


    Tag             Value
    name          - Name of the profile to export.
    folder        - Name of the folder in which the profile XML files 
                    will be saved.
    interface     - Name of the interface which has this profile configured.
    key           - To display the key in plain text, set key=clear.


    Saves the selected profiles into XML files in the specified folder.
    For each exported profile, the output file will be named as 
    "Interface Name-Profile Name.xml".

    Parameters folder, name and interface are all optional. If profile 
    name is given then the specified profile will be saved. Otherwise 
    profiles on any interface will be saved.

    If the folder parameter is provided it must specify an existing folder
    accessible from the local computer. It can either be an absolute path,
    or a relative path to the current working directory. In addition, "."
    refers to the current working directory, and ".." refers to the parent
    directory of the current working directory. The folder name cannot be 
    a UNC (Universal Naming Convention) path. By default profiles will be 
    saved in the current working directory.

    If interface name is given, only the specified profile on the given
    interface will be saved. Otherwise all profiles with the given name
    on the system will be saved.

    If a key in plain text is required and the caller is local administrator,
    output XML file will include the key in plain text.
    Otherwise, the output XML file will include encrypted key. 


    export profile name="profile 1" folder=c:\profiles
        interface="Wireless Network Connection"
    export profile name="profile 2" folder=.
    export profile name="profile 3" folder=. key=clear

Displays a list of commands.

»netsh »wlan »help

C:\Windows>netsh wlan help ?

Usage: help

       Displays a list of commands.

Refresh hosted network settings.

»netsh »wlan »refresh

C:\Windows>netsh wlan refresh ?

The following commands are available:

Commands in this context:
refresh hostednetwork - Refresh hosted network settings.

Refresh hosted network settings.

»netsh »wlan »refresh »hostednetwork

C:\Windows>netsh wlan refresh hostednetwork ?

Usage: refresh hostednetwork [data=]key


    Tag             Value
    data            Specifies the hosted network data to refresh.


    This command requests the WLAN service to use a new security key for 
    the hosted network.


    refresh hostednetwork key

Generate WLAN smart trace report.

»netsh »wlan »reportissues

C:\Windows>netsh wlan reportissues ?

Usage: reportissues


    This command generates WLAN smart trace report and makes it ready for 
    reporting WLAN issues. 



Sets configuration information.

»netsh »wlan »set

C:\Windows>netsh wlan set ?

The following commands are available:

Commands in this context:
set allowexplicitcreds - Allow or disallow the user to use shared user 
                 credentials for network authentication.
set autoconfig - Enable or disable auto configuration logic on interface.
set blockednetworks - Show or hide the blocked networks in visible
                 network list.
set blockperiod - Set the block period.
set createalluserprofile - Allow or disallow everyone to create all user
set hostednetwork - Set hosted network properties.
set profileorder - Set the preference order of a wireless network profile.
set profileparameter - Set parameters in a wireless network profile.
set profiletype - Set profile type to alluser or peruser. 
set tracing    - Enable or disable tracing.

Allow or disallow the user to use shared user

»netsh »wlan »set »allowexplicitcreds

C:\Windows>netsh wlan set allowexplicitcreds ?

Usage: set allowexplicitcreds [allow=]yes|no


    Tag           Value
    allow     - Allow or disallow shared user credentials.


    Specify whether to allow or disallow shared user credentials 
    on the client for network authentication.

    The parameter allow is required.


    set allowexplicitcreds allow=yes 

Enable or disable auto configuration logic on interface.

»netsh »wlan »set »autoconfig

C:\Windows>netsh wlan set autoconfig ?

Usage: set autoconfig [enabled=]yes|no [interface=]<string>


    Tag           Value
    enabled     - Set auto configuration logic to enabled or disabled.
    interface   - Name of the interface for which the setting has to be


    Enable or disable the auto configuration logic on an interface. If it is,
    disabled then Windows will not connect to any wireless network
    automatically from the specified interface.

    Both parameters are required.


    set autoconfig enabled=yes interface="Wireless Network Connection"

Show or hide the blocked networks in visible

»netsh »wlan »set »blockednetworks

C:\Windows>netsh wlan set blockednetworks ?

Usage: set blockednetworks [display=]show|hide


    Tag           Value
    display     - Show or hide blocked networks in the visible network list.


    Specify whether to show or hide blocked networks in the visible network
    list. If disabled then the blocked networks will not be displayed in the 
    visible wireless network list.

    The parameter display is required.


    set blockednetworks display=show 

Set the block period.

»netsh »wlan »set »blockperiod

C:\Windows>netsh wlan set blockperiod ?

Usage: set blockperiod [value=]0-60


    Tag           Value
    value - Specifies the length in time, in minutes, during which 
            auto connect attempts to this network will be suspended.


    Modifies the specified timer. The value is specified in minutes. 
    The blocked state is reset upon a manual connection attempt, 
    a session change or a media connect.


    set blockperiod value=2 
    set blockperiod 25 

Allow or disallow everyone to create all user

»netsh »wlan »set »createalluserprofile

C:\Windows>netsh wlan set createalluserprofile ?

Usage: set createalluserprofile [[enabled=]yes|no]


    Tag           Value
    enabled     - Allow or disallow everyone to create all user profiles.


    If enabled is yes then everyone is allowed to create all user profiles.

    The enabled parameter is required.


    set createalluserprofile enabled=yes

Set hosted network properties.

»netsh »wlan »set »hostednetwork

C:\Windows>netsh wlan set hostednetwork ?

Usage: set hostednetwork [mode=]allow|disallow [ssid=]<ssid>
                         [key=]<passphrase> [keyUsage=]persistent|temporary


    Tag             Value
    mode            Specifies whether to allow or disallow the hosted network.
    ssid            SSID of the hosted network.
    key             The user security key used by the hosted network.
    keyUsage        Specifies whether the user security key is persistent or 


    This command changes the properties of hosted network, including: SSID 
    of the hosted network, allow or disallow the hosted network in the system, 
    and a user security key that is used by the hosted network. 

    The user security key should be a string with 8 to 63 ASCII characters, 
    eg. a passphrase, or 64 hexadecimal digits which represent 32 binary 

    If keyUsage is specified as persistent, the security key will be saved 
    and used when the hosted network is started again in future. Otherwise 
    it will be used only when the current or next time the hosted network 
    is started. Once the hosted network is stopped, the temporary security 
    key will be deleted from the system. If keyUsage is not specified, it 
    is persistent by default. 

    This command requires administrator privileges to allow or disallow the 
    hosted network. 


    set hostednetwork mode=allow 
    set hostednetwork ssid=ssid1 
    set hostednetwork key=passphrase keyUsage=persistent 

Set the preference order of a wireless network profile.

»netsh »wlan »set »profileorder

C:\Windows>netsh wlan set profileorder ?

Usage: set profileorder [name=]<string> [interface=]<string> [priority=]<integer>


    Tag           Value
    name        - Name of the User profile whose priority is to be changed.
    interface   - Name of the interface which has this profile configured.
    priority    - The new priority of the User profile.


    Set the preference order of a wireless network profile on an interface.
    All three parameters are required.

    Only the order of User profiles can be changed. Group policy profiles
    are read only. Group policy profiles always have higher precedence over
    User profiles.

    Parameter priority specifies the new position of the profile in the
    preferred profile list. If it is 1, the profile will be move to the
    first position in the User profile list.


    set profileorder name="profile1" interface="Wireless Network Connection"

Set parameters in a wireless network profile.

»netsh »wlan »set »profileparameter

C:\Windows>netsh wlan set profileparameter ?

Usage: set profileparameter [name=]<string> [[interface=]<string>] 
       [SSIDname=<string>] [ConnectionType=ESS|IBSS] [autoSwitch=yes|no]
       [ConnectionMode=auto|manual] [nonBroadcast=yes|no] 
       [encryption=none|WEP|TKIP|AES] [keyType=networkKey|passphrase] 
       [keyIndex=1-4] [keyMaterial=<string>] [PMKCacheMode=yes|no] 
       [PMKCacheSize=1-255] [PMKCacheTTL=300-86400] [preAuthMode=yes|no] 
       [preAuthThrottle=1-16 [FIPS=yes|no] 
       [useOneX=yes|no] [authMode=machineOrUser|machineOnly|userOnly|guest] 
       [ssoMode=preLogon|postLogon|none] [maxDelay=1-120] 
       [allowDialog=yes|no] [userVLAN=yes|no] 
       [heldPeriod=1-3600] [AuthPeriod=1-3600] [StartPeriod=1-3600] 
       [maxStart=1-100] [maxAuthFailures=1-100] [cacheUserData = yes|no] 


    Tag              Value
    name           - Name of the profile to be modified.
    interface      - Name of the interface on which the profile is set.
    SSIDname       - SSID of the wireless LAN, maximum length is 32. 
    ConnectionType - Specify the network is infrastructure (ESS) or ad-hoc (IBSS). 
    ConnectionMode - Connecting to network automatic or manually. 
                     Must be manual if connection type is IBSS. 
    autoSwitch     - The roaming behavior of an auto-connected network 
                     when a more preferred network is in range. 
    nonBroadcast   - Whether to connect to a hidden network. 
    authentication - The authentication type to be used. 
    encryption     - The encryption method to be used. 
    keyType        - Whether the shared key is a network key or a passphrase. 
    keyIndex       - The key index should be used to encrypt wireless traffic. 
    keyMaterial    - The network key or pasphrase. 
    PMKCacheMode   - Whether PMK caching will be used. Only valid for WPA2 networks. 
    PMKCacheSize   - The number of entries in the PMK cache on the client. 
    PMKCacheTTL    - The length of time in seconds, that a PMK cache will be kept. 
    preAuthMode    - Whether preauthentication will be used. Only valid for WPA2 networks. 
    preAuthThrottle - The number of reauthentication attempts to try on neighboring APs. 
    FIPS           - Enable or Disable FIPS mode. 
    useOneX         - Whether 802.1X authentication is used. 
    authMode       - Type of credentials to be used for authentication.
    ssoMode        - Type of single sign on to be attempted if any.
    maxDelay       - Timeout value to establish single sign on connection.
    allowDialog    - Allow or Disallow a dialog to be shown for preLogon.
    userVLAN       - Specify if the network switches to a different VLAN on user authentication.
    heldPeriod     - The interval time between two attempt authentications, in seconds. 
    AuthPeriod     - The maximum time, in seconds, a client waits for a response from the authenticator. 
    StartPeriod    - The length of time, in seconds, to wait before an EAPOL-Start
    maxStart       - The maximum number of EAPOL-Start messages sent. 
    maxAuthFailures - The maximum number of authentication failures allowed 
                     for a set of credentials. 
    cacheUserData -  Whether the user credentials are cached for subsequent use. 


    Modifies the specified profile. If the interface is specified then
    only profile on that interface are modified.

    The name parameter is required. At least one other parameter besides profile name 
    and interface must also be specified.


    set profileparameter name=Profile1 authMode=userOnly ssoMode=preLogon
    set profileparameter name=Profile2 ssoMode=none fips=yes

Set profile type to alluser or peruser.

»netsh »wlan »set »profiletype

C:\Windows>netsh wlan set profiletype ?

Usage: set profiletype [name=]<string> [profiletype=]all|current [[interface=]<string>]


    Tag           Value
    name           - Name of the profile to be changed.
    profiletype    - The desired profile type [all-user/per-user]. 
    interface      - Name of the interface on which the profile is set.


    Changes the profile type for the specified profile. If the interface is
    specified, then only the profile on that interface is changed.

    The name and profile type parameters are required. 


    set profiletype name=Profile1 profiletype=all

Enable or disable tracing.

»netsh »wlan »set »tracing

C:\Windows>netsh wlan set tracing ?

Usage: set tracing [mode=]yes|no|persistent] 


    Tag           Value
    mode        - Enable, make it persistent or disable tracing.


    Enabled or disable tracing, with the option to make tracing persistent.
    If enabled then the trace logs for wireless LAN will be collected and 
    saved to the trace files.

    The parameter mode is required. Under persistent mode the tracing will
    still be effective after system reboot. If mode is set to disable, then
    both persistent and nonpersistent tracing will be stopped.


    set tracing mode=yes 

Displays information.

»netsh »wlan »show

C:\Windows>netsh wlan show ?

The following commands are available:

Commands in this context:
show all       - Shows complete wireless device and networks information.
show allowexplicitcreds - Shows the allow shared user credentials settings.
show autoconfig - Shows whether the auto configuration logic is enabled or
show blockednetworks - Shows the blocked network display settings.
show createalluserprofile - Shows whether everyone is allowed to create all
                 user profiles.
show drivers   - Shows properties of the wireless LAN drivers on the system.
show filters   - Shows the allowed and blocked network list.
show hostednetwork - Show hosted network properties and status.
show interfaces - Shows a list of the wireless LAN interfaces on
                 the system.
show networks  - Shows a list of networks visible on the system.
show onlyUseGPProfilesforAllowedNetworks - Shows the only use GP profiles on GP configured networks setting.
show profiles  - Shows a list of profiles configured on the system.
show settings  - Shows the global settings of wireless LAN.
show tracing   - Shows whether wireless LAN tracing is enabled or disabled.

Shows complete wireless device and networks information.

»netsh »wlan »show »all

C:\Windows>netsh wlan show all ?

Usage: show all


    Shows the complete 802.11 wireless interface information, networks, and
    wireless settings on the system, including:
        - Wireless driver information
        - Wireless interface status
        - Wireless configuration settings
        - Wireless network filters
        - Wireless network profiles list and details
        - Visible wireless networks


    show all

Shows the allow shared user credentials settings.

»netsh »wlan »show »allowexplicitcreds

C:\Windows>netsh wlan show allowexplicitcreds ?

Usage: show allowexplicitcreds


      Shows the global setting whether to allow shared user credentials 
      for authenticating to 802.1x networks.


      show allowexplicitcreds

Shows whether the auto configuration logic is enabled or

»netsh »wlan »show »autoconfig

C:\Windows>netsh wlan show autoconfig ?

Usage: show autoconfig


      Shows the global setting whether auto configuration logic is enabled 
      or not on each interface.


      show autoconfig

Shows the blocked network display settings.

»netsh »wlan »show »blockednetworks

C:\Windows>netsh wlan show blockednetworks ?

Usage: show blockednetworks


      Shows the global setting whether to display the blocked networks in 
      visible network list or not.


      show blockednetworks

Shows whether everyone is allowed to create all

»netsh »wlan »show »createalluserprofile

C:\Windows>netsh wlan show createalluserprofile ?

Usage: show createalluserprofile


    Shows the global setting whether creating all user profiles is allowed
    or disallowed for everyone.


    show createalluserprofile

Shows properties of the wireless LAN drivers on the system.

»netsh »wlan »show »drivers

C:\Windows>netsh wlan show drivers ?

Usage: show drivers [[interface=]<string>] 


    Tag             Value
    interface     - Name of the interface for which to show driver


    Shows the 802.11 wireless LAN interface and driver information on the


    show drivers

Shows the allowed and blocked network list.

»netsh »wlan »show »filters

C:\Windows>netsh wlan show filters ?

Usage: show filters [permission=]allow|block


    Tag             Value
    permission    - Select allow or block network list.


    Shows the allowed and blocked network list configured on the system.


    show filters
    show filters permission=allow
    show filters permission=block

Show hosted network properties and status.

»netsh »wlan »show »hostednetwork

C:\Windows>netsh wlan show hostednetwork ?

Usage: show hostednetwork [[setting=]security]


    Tag             Value
    setting         Specifies hosted network settings to display.


    This command shows the properties of the hosted network and its
    status if it has been started.

    If the setting parameter is specified, it will display the security
    algorithms and the key of the hosted network. 


    show hostednetwork
    show hostednetwork setting=security

Shows a list of the wireless LAN interfaces on

»netsh »wlan »show »interfaces

C:\Windows>netsh wlan show interfaces ?

Usage: show interfaces


   Shows the wireless LAN interfaces configured on the system.
   There are no parameters for this command.


   show interfaces

Shows a list of networks visible on the system.

»netsh »wlan »show »networks

C:\Windows>netsh wlan show networks ?

Usage: show networks [[interface=]<string>] [[mode=]ssid/bssid]


    Tag             Value
    interface     - Name of the interface which has this profile configured.
    mode          - Get detailed bssid information.


    Shows the networks available to the system.
    Parameter interface and bssid are both optional.

    If interface name is given, only the networks on the given
    interface will be listed. Otherwise, all networks visible to
    the system will be listed.

    If mode=bssid is given then the visible bssids for each ssid
    will also be listed. Otherwise only ssids will be listed.


    show networks interface="Wireless Network Connection"
    show networks mode=Bssid
    show networks

Shows the only use GP profiles on GP configured networks setting.

»netsh »wlan »show »onlyUseGPProfilesforAllowedNetworks

C:\Windows>netsh wlan show onlyUseGPProfilesforAllowedNetworks ?

Usage: show onlyUseGPProfilesforAllowedNetworks


              Shows the global setting whether to only use GP profiles on 
              GP configured networks or not.


              show onlyUseGPProfilesforAllowedNetworks

Shows a list of profiles configured on the system.

»netsh »wlan »show »profiles

C:\Windows>netsh wlan show profiles ?

Usage: show profiles [[name=]<string>] [interface=<string>] [key=<string>]


    Tag             Value
    name          - Name of the profile to display.
    interface     - Name of the interface which has this profile configured.
    key           - To display the key in plain text, set key=clear. 


    Shows the profile data or lists the profiles on the system.
    Parameter name and interface are both optional.

    If profile name is given then the content of the profile will be
    displayed. Otherwise only profile name and description will be listed.

    If interface name is given, only the specified profile on the given
    interface will be listed. Otherwise, all profiles with the given name
    on the system will be listed.

    If key is set to "clear" and the caller is local administrator,
    the key will be shown in plain text.

    Group Policy Profiles are read only. User Profiles are readable and
    writeable, and the preference order can be changed.


    show profiles name="profile 1" interface="Wireless Network Connection"
    show profiles name="profile 2"
    show profiles name="profile 3" key=clear
    show profiles

Shows the global settings of wireless LAN.

»netsh »wlan »show »settings

C:\Windows>netsh wlan show settings ?

Usage: show settings


      Shows the global settings for the Wireless AutoConfig service, including
      whether the auto configuration logic is enabled or disabled on each
      interface, whether to show blocked networks in the visible network list,
      and whether to only use GP profiles on GP-configured networks.

      Allow and block filter lists are available by "show filters" command.


      show settings

Shows whether wireless LAN tracing is enabled or disabled.

»netsh »wlan »show »tracing

C:\Windows>netsh wlan show tracing ?

Usage: show tracing


    Shows whether wireless LAN tracing is enabled or disabled.


    show tracing

Start hosted network.

»netsh »wlan »start

C:\Windows>netsh wlan start ?

The following commands are available:

Commands in this context:
start hostednetwork - Start hosted network.

Start hosted network.

»netsh »wlan »start »hostednetwork

C:\Windows>netsh wlan start hostednetwork ?

Usage: start hostednetwork 


    This command requests the WLAN service to start the hosted network.

    This command requires administrator privileges.


    start hostednetwork

Stop hosted network.

»netsh »wlan »stop

C:\Windows>netsh wlan stop ?

The following commands are available:

Commands in this context:
stop hostednetwork - Stop hosted network.

Stop hosted network.

»netsh »wlan »stop »hostednetwork

C:\Windows>netsh wlan stop hostednetwork ?

Usage: stop hostednetwork 


    This command requests the WLAN service to stop the hosted network.


    stop hostednetwork

- br -/- de -/- dk -/- en -/- es -/- fr -/- hu -/- it -/- jp -/- pt -/- tr -


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Windows Server 2019,16, ... 11, 10, 8.1, ... Ping aktivieren / deaktivieren?
Deactivating the storage space analysis in AutoStart under Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ...!
