Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.3570]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall ? The following commands are available: Commands in this context: ? - Displays a list of commands. consec - Changes to the `netsh advfirewall consec' context. dump - Displays a configuration script. export - Exports the current policy to a file. firewall - Changes to the `netsh advfirewall firewall' context. help - Displays a list of commands. import - Imports a policy file into the current policy store. mainmode - Changes to the `netsh advfirewall mainmode' context. monitor - Changes to the `netsh advfirewall monitor' context. reset - Resets the policy to the default out-of-box policy. set - Sets the per-profile or global settings. show - Displays profile or global properties. The following sub-contexts are available: consec firewall mainmode monitor To view help for a command, type the command, followed by a space, and then type ?.
Changes to the `netsh advfirewall consec' context.
»netsh »advfirewall »consec
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall consec ? The following commands are available: Commands in this context: ? - Displays a list of commands. add - Adds a new connection security rule. delete - Deletes all matching connection security rules. dump - Displays a configuration script. help - Displays a list of commands. set - Sets new values for properties of an existing rule. show - Displays a specified connection security rule. To view help for a command, type the command, followed by a space, and then type ?.
Adds a new connection security rule.
»netsh »advfirewall »consec »add
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall consec add ? The following commands are available: Commands in this context: add rule - Adds a new connection security rule.
Adds a new connection security rule.
»netsh »advfirewall »consec »add »rule
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall consec add rule ? Usage: add rule name=<string> endpoint1=any|localsubnet|dns|dhcp|wins|defaultgateway| <IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>|<subnet>|<range>|<list> endpoint2=any|localsubnet|dns|dhcp|wins|defaultgateway| <IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>|<subnet>|<range>|<list> action=requireinrequestout|requestinrequestout| requireinrequireout|requireinclearout|noauthentication [description=<string>] [mode=transport|tunnel (default=transport)] [enable=yes|no (default=yes)] [profile=public|private|domain|any[,...] (default=any)] [type=dynamic|static (default=static)] [localtunnelendpoint=any|<IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>] [remotetunnelendpoint=any|<IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>] [port1=0-65535|<port range>[,...]|any (default=any)] [port2=0-65535|<port range>[,...]|any (default=any)] [protocol=0-255|tcp|udp|icmpv4|icmpv6|any (default=any)] [interfacetype=wiresless|lan|ras|any (default=any)] [auth1=computerkerb|computercert|computercertecdsap256| computercertecdsap384|computerpsk|computerntlm|anonymous[,...]] [auth1psk=<string>] [auth1kerbproxyfqdn=<fully-qualified dns name>] [auth1ca="<CA Name> [certmapping:yes|no] [excludecaname:yes|no] [catype:root|intermediate (default=root)] [certhash:<Hex hash string, with no spaces or leading 0x>] [followrenewal:yes|no (default=no)] [certeku:<EKU, EKU, ...>] [certname:<CertName>] [certnametype:<SubjectAltDNS| SubjectAltEmail|SubjectCN|SubjectOU|SubjectO|SubjectDC>] [certcriteriatype:<Selection|Validation|Both (default=both)>] |..."] [auth1healthcert=yes|no (default=no)] [auth1ecdsap256ca="<CA Name> [certmapping:yes|no] [excludecaname:yes|no] [catype:root|intermediate (default=root)] [certhash:<Hex hash string, with no spaces or leading 0x>] [followrenewal:yes|no (default=no)] [certeku:<EKU, EKU, ...>] [certname:<CertName>] [certnametype:<SubjectAltDNS| SubjectAltEmail|SubjectCN|SubjectOU|SubjectO|SubjectDC>] [certcriteriatype:<Selection|Validation|Both (default=both)>] | ..."] [auth1ecdsap256healthcert=yes|no (default=no)] [auth1ecdsap384ca="<CA Name> [certmapping:yes|no] [excludecaname:yes|no] [catype:root|intermediate (default=root)] [certhash:<Hex hash string, with no spaces or leading 0x>] [followrenewal:yes|no (default=no)] [certeku:<EKU, EKU, ...>] [certname:<CertName>] [certnametype:<SubjectAltDNS| SubjectAltEmail|SubjectCN|SubjectOU|SubjectO|SubjectDC>] [certcriteriatype:<Selection|Validation|Both (default=both)>] | ..."] [auth1ecdsap384healthcert=yes|no (default=no)] [auth2=computercert|computercertecdsap256|computercertecdsap384| userkerb|usercert|usercertecdsap256|usercertecdsap384|userntlm| anonymous[,...]] [auth2kerbproxyfqdn=<fully-qualified dns name>] [auth2ca="<CA Name> [certmapping:yes|no] [catype:root|intermediate (default=root)] [certhash:<Hex hash string, with no spaces or leading 0x>] [followrenewal:yes|no (default=no)] [certeku:<EKU, EKU, ...>] [certname:<CertName>] [certnametype:<SubjectAltDNS| SubjectAltEmail|SubjectCN|SubjectOU|SubjectO|SubjectDC>] [certcriteriatype:<Selection|Validation|Both (default=both)>] | ..."] [auth2ecdsap256ca="<CA Name> [certmapping:yes|no] [catype:root|intermediate (default=root)] [certhash:<Hex hash string, with no spaces or leading 0x>] [followrenewal:yes|no (default=no)] [certeku:<EKU, EKU, ...>] [certname:<CertName>] [certnametype:<SubjectAltDNS| SubjectAltEmail|SubjectCN|SubjectOU|SubjectO|SubjectDC>] [certcriteriatype:<Selection|Validation|Both (default=both)>] | ..."] [auth2ecdsap384ca="<CA Name> [certmapping:yes|no] [catype:root|intermediate (default=root)] [certhash:<Hex hash string, with no spaces or leading 0x>] [followrenewal:yes|no (default=no)] [certeku:<EKU, EKU, ...>] [certname:<CertName>] [certnametype:<SubjectAltDNS| SubjectAltEmail|SubjectCN|SubjectOU|SubjectO|SubjectDC>] [certcriteriatype:<Selection|Validation|Both (default=both)>] | ..."] [qmpfs=dhgroup1|dhgroup2|dhgroup14|dhgroup24|ecdhp256|ecdhp384| mainmode|none (default=none)] [qmsecmethods=authnoencap:<integrity>+[valuemin]+[valuekb]| ah:<integrity>+esp:<integrity>-<encryption>+[valuemin]+[valuekb] |default] [exemptipsecprotectedconnections=yes|no (default=no)] [applyauthz=yes|no (default=no)] Remarks: - Rule name should be unique and cannot be "all". - When mode=tunnel,tunnel endpoints must be specified, except when the action is noauthentication. When specific IP addresses are entered, they must be the same IP version. In addition, When configuring dynamic tunnels: Tunnel endpoints can be set to any. Local tunnel endpoint need not be specified for Client policy (i.e any). Remote tunnel endpoints need not be specified for Gateway Policy (i.e any). Also, action must be requireinrequireout, requireinclearout, or noauthentication. - requireinclearout is not valid when mode=Transport. - At least one authentication must be specified. - Auth1 and auth2 can be comma-separated lists of options. - Computerpsk and computerntlm methods cannot be specified together for auth1. - Computercert cannot be specified with user credentials for auth2. - Certsigning options ecdsap256 and ecdsap384 are only supported on Windows Vista SP1 and later. - Qmsecmethods can be a list of proposals separated by a ",". - For qmsecmethods, integrity=md5|sha1|sha256|aesgmac128|aesgmac192| aesgmac256|aesgcm128|aesgcm192|aesgcm256 and encryption=3des|des|aes128|aes192|aes256|aesgcm128|aesgcm192|aesgcm256. - If aesgcm128, aesgcm192, or aesgcm256 is specified, it must be used for both ESP integrity and encryption. - Aesgmac128, aesgmac192, aesgmac256, aesgcm128, aesgcm192, aesgcm256, sha256 are only supported on Windows Vista SP1 and later. - Qmpfs=mainmode uses the main mode key exchange setting for PFS. - The use of DES, MD5 and DHGroup1 is not recommended. These cryptographic algorithms are provided for backward compatibility only. - The default value for certmapping and excludecaname is 'no'. - The " characters within CA name must be replaced with \' - For auth1ca and auth2ca, the CA name must be prefixed by 'CN='. - catype can be used to specify the Certification authority type - catype=root/intermediate - authnoencap is supported on Windows 7 and later. - authnoencap means that the computers will only use authentication, and will not use any per packet encapsulation or encryption algorithms to protect subsequent network packets exchanged as part of this connection. - QMPFS and authnoencap cannot be used together on the same rule. - AuthNoEncap must be accompanied by at least one AH or ESP integrity suite. - applyauthz can only be specified for tunnel mode rules. - exemptipsecprotectedconnections can only be specified for tunnel mode rules. By setting this flag to "Yes", ESP traffic will be exempted from the tunnel. AH only traffic will NOT be exempted from the tunnel. - Valuemin(when specified) for a qmsecmethod should be between 5-2880 minutes. Valuekb(when specified) for a qmsecmethod should be between 20480-2147483647 kilobytes. - Certhash specifies the thumbprint, or hash of the certificate. - Followrenewal specifies whether to automatically follow renewal links in certificates. Only applicable for certificate section (requires certhash). - Certeku specifies the comma separated list of EKU OIDs to match in the certificate. - Certname specifies the string to match for certificate name (requires certnametype). - Certnametype specifies the certificate field for the certname to be matched against (requires certname). - Certcriteriatype specifies whether to take the action with the certificate when selecting the local certificate, validating the peer certificate, or both. - Within a computercert authentication mapping, multiple certificates can be referenced by separating each entry by using the '|' character. Examples: Add a rule for domain isolation using defaults: netsh advfirewall consec add rule name="isolation" endpoint1=any endpoint2=any action=requireinrequestout Add a rule with custom quick mode proposals: netsh advfirewall consec add rule name="custom" endpoint1=any endpoint2=any qmsecmethods=ah:sha1+esp:sha1-aes256+60min+20480kb,ah:sha1 action=requireinrequestout Add a rule with custom quick mode proposals: netsh advfirewall consec add rule name="custom" endpoint1=any endpoint2=any qmsecmethods=authnoencap:sha1,ah:aesgmac256+esp:aesgmac256-none action=requireinrequestout Create a tunnel mode rule from subnet A (, external ip= to subnet B (, external ip= netsh advfirewall consec add rule name="my tunnel" mode=tunnel endpoint1= endpoint2= remotetunnelendpoint= localtunnelendpoint= action=requireinrequireout Create a dynamic tunnel mode rule from subnet A ( to subnet B (, remoteGW= Client Policy: netsh advfirewall consec add rule name="dynamic tunnel" mode=tunnel endpoint1=any endpoint2= remotetunnelendpoint= action=requireinrequireout Gateway Policy (Applied only to the Gateway device): netsh advfirewall consec add rule name="dynamic tunnel" mode=tunnel endpoint1= endpoint2=any localtunnelendpoint= action=requireinrequireout Add a rule with CA name: netsh advfirewall consec add rule name="cert rule" endpoint1=any endpoint2=any action=requireinrequestout auth1=computercert auth1ca="C=US, O=MSFT, CN=\'Microsoft North, South, East, and West Root Authority\'" Add a rule, with multiple authentication methods, using a variety of cert criteria: netsh advfirewall consec add rule name="cert rule" endpoint1=any endpoint2=any action=requireinrequireout auth1=computercert auth1ca="CN=\'CN1\' certcriteriatype:Selection certname:MyGroup certnametype:SubjectOU certeku:|CN=\'CN2\' certcriteriatype:Validation certeku:,|CN=\'CN3\' certhash:0123456789abcdef01234567890ABCDEF0123456"
Deletes all matching connection security rules.
»netsh »advfirewall »consec »delete
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall consec delete ? The following commands are available: Commands in this context: delete rule - Deletes all matching connection security rules.
Deletes all matching connection security rules.
»netsh »advfirewall »consec »delete »rule
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall consec delete rule ? Usage: delete rule name=<string> [type=dynamic|static] [profile=public|private|domain|any[,...] (default=any)] [endpoint1=any|localsubnet|dns|dhcp|wins|defaultgateway| <IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>|<subnet>|<range>|<list>] [endpoint2=any|localsubnet|dns|dhcp|wins|defaultgateway| <IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>|<subnet>|<range>|<list>] [port1=0-65535|<port range>[,...]|any (default=any)] [port2=0-65535|<port range>[,...]|any (default=any)] [protocol=0-255|tcp|udp|icmpv4|icmpv6|any] Remarks: - Deletes a rule identified by name and optionally by profiles, endpoints, ports, protocol, and type. - If multiple matches are found, all matching rules are deleted. Examples: Delete a rule called "rule1" from all profiles: netsh advfirewall consec delete rule name="rule1" Delete all dynamic rules from all profiles: netsh advfirewall consec delete rule name=all type=dynamic
Displays a configuration script.
»netsh »advfirewall »consec »dump
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall consec dump ? Usage: dump Remarks: Creates a script that contains the current configuration. If saved to a file, this script can be used to restore altered configuration settings.
Displays a list of commands.
»netsh »advfirewall »consec »help
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall consec help ? Usage: help Remarks: Displays a list of commands.
Sets new values for properties of an existing rule.
»netsh »advfirewall »consec »set
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall consec set ? The following commands are available: Commands in this context: set rule - Sets new values for properties of an existing rule.
Sets new values for properties of an existing rule.
»netsh »advfirewall »consec »set »rule
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall consec set rule ? Usage: set rule group=<string> | name=<string> [type=dynamic|static] [profile=public|private|domain|any[,...] (default=any)] [endpoint1=any|localsubnet|dns|dhcp|wins|defaultgateway| <IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>|<subnet>|<range>|<list>] [endpoint2=any|localsubnet|dns|dhcp|wins|defaultgateway| <IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>|<subnet>|<range>|<list>] [port1=0-65535|<port range>[,...]|any] [port2=0-65535|<port range>[,...]|any] [protocol=0-255|tcp|udp|icmpv4|icmpv6|any] new [name=<string>] [profile=public|private|domain|any[,...]] [description=<string>] [mode=transport|tunnel] [endpoint1=any|localsubnet|dns|dhcp|wins|defaultgateway| <IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>|<subnet>|<range>|<list>] [endpoint2=any|localsubnet|dns|dhcp|wins|defaultgateway| <IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>|<subnet>|<range>|<list>] [action=requireinrequestout|requestinrequestout| requireinrequireout|requireinclearout|noauthentication] [enable=yes|no] [type=dynamic|static] [localtunnelendpoint=any|<IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>] [remotetunnelendpoint=any|<IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>] [port1=0-65535|<port range>[,...]|any] [port2=0-65535|<port range>[,...]|any] [protocol=0-255|tcp|udp|icmpv4|icmpv6|any] [interfacetype=wiresless|lan|ras|any] [auth1=computerkerb|computercert|computercertecdsap256| computercertecdsap384|computerpsk|computerntlm|anonymous[,...]] [auth1psk=<string>] [auth1kerbproxyfqdn=<fully-qualified dns name>] [auth1ca="<CA Name> [certmapping:yes|no] [excludecaname:yes|no] [catype:root|intermediate (default=root)] [certhash:<Hex hash string, with no spaces or leading 0x>] [followrenewal:yes|no (default=no)] [certeku:<EKU, EKU, ...>] [certname:<CertName>] [certnametype:<SubjectAltDNS| SubjectAltEmail|SubjectCN|SubjectOU|SubjectO|SubjectDC>] [certcriteriatype:<Selection|Validation|Both (default=both)>] | ..."] [auth1healthcert=yes|no] [auth1ecdsap256ca="<CA Name> [certmapping:yes|no] [excludecaname:yes|no] [catype:root|intermediate (default=root)] [certhash:<Hex hash string, with no spaces or leading 0x>] [followrenewal:yes|no (default=no)] [certeku:<EKU, EKU, ...>] [certname:<CertName>] [certnametype:<SubjectAltDNS| SubjectAltEmail|SubjectCN|SubjectOU|SubjectO|SubjectDC>] [certcriteriatype:<Selection|Validation|Both (default=both)>] | ..."] [auth1ecdsap256healthcert=yes|no (default=no)] [auth1ecdsap384ca="<CA Name> [certmapping:yes|no] [excludecaname:yes|no] [catype:root|intermediate (default=root)] [certhash:<Hex hash string, with no spaces or leading 0x>] [followrenewal:yes|no (default=no)] [certeku:<EKU, EKU, ...>] [certname:<CertName>] [certnametype:<SubjectAltDNS| SubjectAltEmail|SubjectCN|SubjectOU|SubjectO|SubjectDC>] [certcriteriatype:<Selection|Validation|Both (default=both)>] | ..."] [auth1ecdsap384healthcert=yes|no (default=no)] [auth2=computercert|computercertecdsap256|computercertecdsap384| userkerb|usercert|usercertecdsap256|usercertecdsap384|userntlm| anonymous[,...]] [auth2kerbproxyfqdn=<fully-qualified dns name>] [auth2ca="<CA Name> [certmapping:yes|no] [catype:root|intermediate (default=root)] [certhash:<Hex hash string, with no spaces or leading 0x>] [followrenewal:yes|no (default=no)] [certeku:<EKU, EKU, ...>] [certname:<CertName>] [certnametype:<SubjectAltDNS| SubjectAltEmail|SubjectCN|SubjectOU|SubjectO|SubjectDC>] [certcriteriatype:<Selection|Validation|Both (default=both)>] | ..."] [auth2ecdsap256ca="<CA Name> [certmapping:yes|no] [catype:root|intermediate (default=root)] [certhash:<Hex hash string, with no spaces or leading 0x>] [followrenewal:yes|no (default=no)] [certeku:<EKU, EKU, ...>] [certname:<CertName>] [certnametype:<SubjectAltDNS| SubjectAltEmail|SubjectCN|SubjectOU|SubjectO|SubjectDC>] [certcriteriatype:<Selection|Validation|Both (default=both)>] | ..."] [auth2ecdsap384ca="<CA Name> [certmapping:yes|no] [catype:root|intermediate (default=root)] [certhash:<Hex hash string, with no spaces or leading 0x>] [followrenewal:yes|no (default=no)] [certeku:<EKU, EKU, ...>] [certname:<CertName>] [certnametype:<SubjectAltDNS| SubjectAltEmail|SubjectCN|SubjectOU|SubjectO|SubjectDC>] [certcriteriatype:<Selection|Validation|Both (default=both)>] | ..."] [qmpfs=dhgroup1|dhgroup2|dhgroup14|dhgroup24|ecdhp256|ecdhp384| mainmode|none] [qmsecmethods=authnoencap:<integrity>+[valuemin]+[valuekb]| ah:<integrity>+esp:<integrity>-<encryption>+[valuemin]+[valuekb] |default] [exemptipsecprotectedconnections=yes|no (default=no)] [applyauthz=yes|no (default=no)] Remarks: - Sets a new parameter value on an identified rule. The command fails if the rule does not exist. To create a rule, use the add command. - Values after the new keyword are updated in the rule. If there are no values, or keyword new is missing, no changes are made. - A group of rules can only be enabled or disabled. - If multiple rules match the criteria, all matching rules will be updated. - Rule name should be unique and cannot be "all". - Auth1 and auth2 can be comma-separated lists of options. - Computerpsk and computerntlm methods cannot be specified together for auth1. - Computercert cannot be specified with user credentials for auth2. - Certsigning options ecdsap256 and ecdsap384 are only supported on Windows Vista SP1 and later. - Qmsecmethods can be a list of proposals separated by a ",". - For qmsecmethods, integrity=md5|sha1|sha256|aesgmac128|aesgmac192| aesgmac256|aesgcm128|aesgcm192|aesgcm256 and encryption=3des|des|aes128|aes192|aes256|aesgcm128|aesgcm192|aesgcm256. - If aesgcm128, aesgcm192, or aesgcm256 is specified, it must be used for both ESP integrity and encryption. - Aesgmac128, aesgmac192, aesgmac256, aesgcm128, aesgcm192, aesgcm256, sha256 are only supported on Windows Vista SP1 and later. - If qmsemethods are set to default, qmpfs will be set to default as well. - Qmpfs=mainmode uses the main mode key exchange setting for PFS. - The use of DES, MD5 and DHGroup1 is not recommended. These cryptographic algorithms are provided for backward compatibility only. - The " characters within CA name must be replaced with \' - For auth1ca and auth2ca, the CA name must be prefixed by 'CN='. - catype can be used to specify the Certification authority type - catype=root/intermediate - authnoencap is supported on Windows 7 and later. - authnoencap means that the computers will only use authentication, and will not use any per packet encapsulation or encryption algorithms to protect subsequent network packets exchanged as part of this connection. - QMPFS and authnoencap cannot be used together on the same rule. - AuthNoEncap must be accompanied by at least one AH or ESP integrity suite. - When mode=tunnel action must be requireinrequireout, requireinclearout or noauthentication. - requireinclearout is not valid when mode=Transport. - applyauthz can only be specified for tunnel mode rules. - exemptipsecprotectedconnections can only be specified for tunnel mode rules. By setting this flag to "Yes", ESP traffic will be exempted from the tunnel. AH only traffic will NOT be exempted from the tunnel. - Port1, Port2 and Protocol can only be specified when mode=transport. - Valuemin(when specified) for a qmsecmethod should be between 5-2880 minutes. Valuekb(when specified) for a qmsecmethod should be between 20480-2147483647 kilobytes. - Certhash specifies the thumbprint, or hash of the certificate. - Followrenewal specifies whether to automatically follow renewal links in certificates. Only applicable for certificate section (requires certhash). - Certeku specifies the comma separated list of EKU OIDs to match in the certificate. - Certname specifies the string to match for certificate name (requires certnametype). - Certnametype specifies the certificate field for the certname to be matched against (requires certname). - Certcriteriatype specifies whether to take the action with the certificate when selecting the local certificate, validating the peer certificate, or both. Examples: Rename rule1 to rule 2: netsh advfirewall consec set rule name="rule1" new name="rule2" Change the action on a rule: netsh advfirewall consec set rule name="rule1" endpoint1= endpoint2= new action=requestinrequestout Add a rule with custom quick mode proposals: netsh advfirewall consec set rule name="Custom QM" new endpoint1=any endpoint2=any qmsecmethods=authnoencap:aesgmac256,ah:aesgmac256+esp:aesgmac256-none
Displays a specified connection security rule.
»netsh »advfirewall »consec »show
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall consec show ? The following commands are available: Commands in this context: show rule - Displays a specified connection security rule.
Displays a specified connection security rule.
»netsh »advfirewall »consec »show »rule
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall consec show rule ? Usage: show rule name=<string> [profile=public|private|domain|any[,...]] [type=dynamic|static (default=static)] [verbose] Remarks: - Displays all instances of the rule identified by name, and optionally profiles and type. Examples: Display all rules: netsh advfirewall consec show rule name=all Display all dynamic rules: netsh advfirewall consec show rule name=all type=dynamic
Displays a configuration script.
»netsh »advfirewall »dump
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall dump ? Usage: dump Remarks: Creates a script that contains the current configuration. If saved to a file, this script can be used to restore altered configuration settings.
Exports the current policy to a file.
»netsh »advfirewall »export
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall export ? Usage: export <path\filename> Remarks: - Exports the current policy to the specified file. Example: netsh advfirewall export "c:\advfirewallpolicy.wfw"
Changes to the `netsh advfirewall firewall' context.
»netsh »advfirewall »firewall
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall firewall ? The following commands are available: Commands in this context: ? - Displays a list of commands. add - Adds a new inbound or outbound firewall rule. delete - Deletes all matching firewall rules. dump - Displays a configuration script. help - Displays a list of commands. set - Sets new values for properties of a existing rule. show - Displays a specified firewall rule. To view help for a command, type the command, followed by a space, and then type ?.
Adds a new inbound or outbound firewall rule.
»netsh »advfirewall »firewall »add
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall firewall add ? The following commands are available: Commands in this context: add rule - Adds a new inbound or outbound firewall rule.
Adds a new inbound or outbound firewall rule.
»netsh »advfirewall »firewall »add »rule
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall firewall add rule ? Usage: add rule name=<string> dir=in|out action=allow|block|bypass [program=<program path>] [service=<service short name>|any] [description=<string>] [enable=yes|no (default=yes)] [profile=public|private|domain|any[,...]] [localip=any|<IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>|<subnet>|<range>|<list>] [remoteip=any|localsubnet|dns|dhcp|wins|defaultgateway| <IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>|<subnet>|<range>|<list>] [localport=0-65535|<port range>[,...]|RPC|RPC-EPMap|IPHTTPS|any (default=any)] [remoteport=0-65535|<port range>[,...]|any (default=any)] [protocol=0-255|icmpv4|icmpv6|icmpv4:type,code|icmpv6:type,code| tcp|udp|any (default=any)] [interfacetype=wireless|lan|ras|any] [rmtcomputergrp=<SDDL string>] [rmtusrgrp=<SDDL string>] [edge=yes|deferapp|deferuser|no (default=no)] [security=authenticate|authenc|authdynenc|authnoencap|notrequired (default=notrequired)] Remarks: - Add a new inbound or outbound rule to the firewall policy. - Rule name should be unique and cannot be "all". - If a remote computer or user group is specified, security must be authenticate, authenc, authdynenc, or authnoencap. - Setting security to authdynenc allows systems to dynamically negotiate the use of encryption for traffic that matches a given Windows Defender Firewall rule. Encryption is negotiated based on existing connection security rule properties. This option enables the ability of a machine to accept the first TCP or UDP packet of an inbound IPsec connection as long as it is secured, but not encrypted, using IPsec. Once the first packet is processed, the server will re-negotiate the connection and upgrade it so that all subsequent communications are fully encrypted. - If action=bypass, the remote computer group must be specified when dir=in. - If service=any, the rule applies only to services. - ICMP type or code can be "any". - Edge can only be specified for inbound rules. - AuthEnc and authnoencap cannot be used together. - Authdynenc is valid only when dir=in. - When authnoencap is set, the security=authenticate option becomes an optional parameter. Examples: Add an inbound rule with no encapsulation security for browser.exe: netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="allow browser" dir=in program="c:\programfiles\browser\browser.exe" security=authnoencap action=allow Add an outbound rule for port 80: netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="allow80" protocol=TCP dir=out localport=80 action=block Add an inbound rule requiring security and encryption for TCP port 80 traffic: netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Require Encryption for Inbound TCP/80" protocol=TCP dir=in localport=80 security=authdynenc action=allow Add an inbound rule for browser.exe and require security netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="allow browser" dir=in program="c:\program files\browser\browser.exe" security=authenticate action=allow Add an authenticated firewall bypass rule for group acmedomain\scanners identified by a SDDL string: netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="allow scanners" dir=in rmtcomputergrp=<SDDL string> action=bypass security=authenticate Add an outbound allow rule for local ports 5000-5010 for udp- Add rule name="Allow port range" dir=out protocol=udp localport=5000-5010 action=allow
Deletes all matching firewall rules.
»netsh »advfirewall »firewall »delete
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall firewall delete ? The following commands are available: Commands in this context: delete rule - Deletes all matching firewall rules.
Deletes all matching firewall rules.
»netsh »advfirewall »firewall »delete »rule
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule ? Usage: delete rule name=<string> [dir=in|out] [profile=public|private|domain|any[,...]] [program=<program path>] [service=<service short name>|any] [localip=any|<IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>|<subnet>|<range>|<list>] [remoteip=any|localsubnet|dns|dhcp|wins|defaultgateway| <IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>|<subnet>|<range>|<list>] [localport=0-65535|<port range>[,...]|RPC|RPC-EPMap|any] [remoteport=0-65535|<port range>[,...]|any] [protocol=0-255|icmpv4|icmpv6|icmpv4:type,code|icmpv6:type,code| tcp|udp|any] Remarks: - Deletes a rule identified by name and optionally by endpoints, ports, protocol, and type. - If multiple matches are found, all matching rules are deleted. - If name=all is specified all rules are deleted from the specified type and profile. Examples: Delete all rules for local port 80: netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name=all protocol=tcp localport=80 Delete a rule called "allow80": netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="allow80"
Displays a configuration script.
»netsh »advfirewall »firewall »dump
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall firewall dump ? Usage: dump Remarks: Creates a script that contains the current configuration. If saved to a file, this script can be used to restore altered configuration settings.
Displays a list of commands.
»netsh »advfirewall »firewall »help
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall firewall help ? Usage: help Remarks: Displays a list of commands.
Sets new values for properties of a existing rule.
»netsh »advfirewall »firewall »set
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall firewall set ? The following commands are available: Commands in this context: set rule - Sets new values for properties of a existing rule.
Sets new values for properties of a existing rule.
»netsh »advfirewall »firewall »set »rule
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall firewall set rule ? Usage: set rule group=<string> | name=<string> [dir=in|out] [profile=public|private|domain|any[,...]] [program=<program path>] [service=service short name|any] [localip=any|<IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>|<subnet>|<range>|<list>] [remoteip=any|localsubnet|dns|dhcp|wins|defaultgateway| <IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>|<subnet>|<range>|<list>] [localport=0-65535|<port range>[,...]|RPC|RPC-EPMap|IPHTTPS|any] [remoteport=0-65535|<port range>[,...]|any] [protocol=0-255|icmpv4|icmpv6|icmpv4:type,code|icmpv6:type,code| tcp|udp|any] new [name=<string>] [dir=in|out] [program=<program path> [service=<service short name>|any] [action=allow|block|bypass] [description=<string>] [enable=yes|no] [profile=public|private|domain|any[,...]] [localip=any|<IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>|<subnet>|<range>|<list>] [remoteip=any|localsubnet|dns|dhcp|wins|defaultgateway| <IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>|<subnet>|<range>|<list>] [localport=0-65535|RPC|RPC-EPMap|any[,...]] [remoteport=0-65535|any[,...]] [protocol=0-255|icmpv4|icmpv6|icmpv4:type,code|icmpv6:type,code| tcp|udp|any] [interfacetype=wireless|lan|ras|any] [rmtcomputergrp=<SDDL string>] [rmtusrgrp=<SDDL string>] [edge=yes|deferapp|deferuser|no (default=no)] [security=authenticate|authenc|authdynenc|notrequired] Remarks: - Sets a new parameter value on an identified rule. The command fails if the rule does not exist. To create a rule, use the add command. - Values after the new keyword are updated in the rule. If there are no values, or keyword new is missing, no changes are made. - A group of rules can only be enabled or disabled. - If multiple rules match the criteria, all matching rules will be updated. - Rule name should be unique and cannot be "all". - If a remote computer or user group is specified, security must be authenticate, authenc or authdynenc. - Setting security to authdynenc allows systems to dynamically negotiate the use of encryption for traffic that matches a given Windows Defender Firewall rule. Encryption is negotiated based on existing connection security rule properties. This option enables the ability of a machine to accept the first TCP or UDP packet of an inbound IPsec connection as long as it is secured, but not encrypted, using IPsec. Once the first packet is processed, the server will re-negotiate the connection and upgrade it so that all subsequent communications are fully encrypted. - Authdynenc is valid only when dir=in. - If action=bypass, the remote computer group must be specified when dir=in. - If service=any, the rule applies only to services. - ICMP type or code can be "any". - Edge can only be specified for inbound rules. Examples: Change the remote IP address on a rule called "allow80": netsh advfirewall firewall set rule name="allow80" new remoteip= Enable a group with grouping string "Remote Desktop": netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="remote desktop" new enable=yes Change the localports on the rule "Allow port range" for udp- Set rule name="Allow port range" dir=out protocol=udp localport=5000-5020 action=allow
Displays a specified firewall rule.
»netsh »advfirewall »firewall »show
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall firewall show ? The following commands are available: Commands in this context: show rule - Displays a specified firewall rule.
Displays a specified firewall rule.
»netsh »advfirewall »firewall »show »rule
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall firewall show rule ? Usage: show rule name=<string> [profile=public|private|domain|any[,...]] [type=static|dynamic] [verbose] Remarks: - Displays all matching rules as specified by name and optionally, profiles and type. If verbose is specified all matching rules are displayed. Examples: Display all dynamic inbound rules: netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all dir=in type=dynamic Display all the settings for all inbound rules called "allow browser": netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name="allow browser" verbose
Displays a list of commands.
»netsh »advfirewall »help
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall help ? Usage: help Remarks: Displays a list of commands.
Imports a policy file into the current policy store.
»netsh »advfirewall »import
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall import ? Usage: import <path\filename> Remarks: - Imports policy from the specified file. Example: netsh advfirewall import "c:\newpolicy.wfw"
Changes to the `netsh advfirewall mainmode' context.
»netsh »advfirewall »mainmode
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall mainmode ? The following commands are available: Commands in this context: ? - Displays a list of commands. add - Adds a new mainmode rule. delete - Deletes all matching mainmode rules. dump - Displays a configuration script. help - Displays a list of commands. set - Sets new values for properties of an existing rule. show - Displays a specified mainmode rule. To view help for a command, type the command, followed by a space, and then type ?.
Adds a new mainmode rule.
»netsh »advfirewall »mainmode »add
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall mainmode add ? The following commands are available: Commands in this context: add rule - Adds a new mainmode rule.
Adds a new mainmode rule.
»netsh »advfirewall »mainmode »add »rule
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall mainmode add rule ? Usage: add rule name=<string> mmsecmethods=dhgroup1|dhgroup2|dhgroup14|dhgroup24|ecdhp256| ecdhp384:3des|des|aes128|aes192|aes256-md5|sha1|sha256 |sha384[,...]|default [mmforcedh=yes|no (default=no)] [mmkeylifetime=<num>min,<num>sess] [description=<string>] [enable=yes|no (default=yes)] [profile=any|current|public|private|domain[,...]] [endpoint1=any|<IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>|<subnet> |<range>|<list>] [endpoint2=any|localsubnet|dns|dhcp|wins|defaultgateway| <IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>|<subnet>|<range>|<list>] [auth1=computerkerb|computercert|computercertecdsap256| computercertecdsap384|computerpsk|computerntlm|anonymous[,...]] [auth1psk=<string>] [auth1kerbproxyfqdn=<fully-qualified dns name>] [auth1ca="<CA Name> [certmapping:yes|no] [excludecaname:yes|no] [catype:root|intermediate (default=root)] [certhash:<Hex hash string, with no spaces or leading 0x>] [followrenewal:yes|no (default=no)] [certeku:<EKU, EKU, ...>] [certname:<CertName>] [certnametype:<SubjectAltDNS| SubjectAltEmail|SubjectCN|SubjectOU|SubjectO|SubjectDC>] [certcriteriatype:<Selection|Validation|Both (default=both)>] | ..."] [auth1healthcert=yes|no (default=no)] [auth1ecdsap256ca="<CA Name> [certmapping:yes|no] [excludecaname:yes|no] [catype:root|intermediate (default=root)] [certhash:<Hex hash string, with no spaces or leading 0x>] [followrenewal:yes|no (default=no)] [certeku:<EKU, EKU, ...>] [certname:<CertName>] [certnametype:<SubjectAltDNS| SubjectAltEmail|SubjectCN|SubjectOU|SubjectO|SubjectDC>] [certcriteriatype:<Selection|Validation|Both (default=both)>] | ..."] [auth1ecdsap256healthcert=yes|no (default=no)] [auth1ecdsap384ca="<CA Name> [certmapping:yes|no] [excludecaname:yes|no] [catype:root|intermediate (default=root)] [certhash:<Hex hash string, with no spaces or leading 0x>] [followrenewal:yes|no (default=no)] [certeku:<EKU, EKU, ...>] [certname:<CertName>] [certnametype:<SubjectAltDNS| SubjectAltEmail|SubjectCN|SubjectOU|SubjectO|SubjectDC>] [certcriteriatype:<Selection|Validation|Both (default=both)>] | ..."] [auth1ecdsap384healthcert=yes|no (default=no)] [type=dynamic|static (default=static)] Remarks: - Add a new mainmode rule to the firewall policy. - Rule name should be unique and cannot be "all". - Computerpsk and computerntlm methods cannot be specified together for auth1. - The use of DES, MD5 and DHGroup1 is not recommended. These cryptographic algorithms are provided for backward compatibility only. - The minimum main mode keylifetime is mmkeylifetime=1min. The maximum main mode mmkeylifetime= 2880min. The minimum number of sessions= 0 sessions. The maximum = 2,147,483,647 sessions. - The mmsecmethods keyword default sets the policy to: dhgroup2-aes128-sha1,dhgroup2-3des-sha1 - Certhash specifies the thumbprint, or hash of the certificate. - Followrenewal specifies whether to automatically follow renewal links in certificates. Only applicable for certificate section (requires certhash). - Certeku specifies the comma separated list of EKU OIDs to match in the certificate. - Certname specifies the string to match for certificate name (requires certnametype). - Certnametype specifies the certificate field for the certname to be matched against (requires certname). - Certcriteriatype specifies whether to take the action with the certificate when selecting the local certificate, validating the peer certificate, or both. Examples: -Add a main mode rule netsh advfirewall mainmode add rule name="test" description="Mainmode for RATH" Mmsecmethods=dhgroup2:3des-sha256,ecdhp384:3des-sha384 auth1=computercert,computercertecdsap256 auth1ca="C=US, O=MSFT, CN=\'Microsoft North, South, East, and West Root Authority\'" auth1healthcert=no auth1ecdsap256ca="C=US, O=MSFT, CN=\'Microsoft North, South, East, and West Root Authority\'" auth1ecdsap256healthcert=yes mmkeylifetime=2min profile=domain
Deletes all matching mainmode rules.
»netsh »advfirewall »mainmode »delete
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall mainmode delete ? The following commands are available: Commands in this context: delete rule - Deletes all matching mainmode rules.
Deletes all matching mainmode rules.
»netsh »advfirewall »mainmode »delete »rule
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall mainmode delete rule ? Usage: delete rule name=<string>|all [profile=any|current|public|private|domain[,...]] [type=dynamic|static (default=static)] Remarks: - Deletes an existing main mode setting that matches the name specified. Optionally, profile can be specified. Command fails if setting with the specified name does not exist. - If name=all is specified all rules are deleted from the specified type and profile. If profile is not specified, the delete applies to all profiles. Examples: Delete a main mode rule with name test: netsh advfirewall mainmode delete rule name="test"
Displays a configuration script.
»netsh »advfirewall »mainmode »dump
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall mainmode dump ? Usage: dump Remarks: Creates a script that contains the current configuration. If saved to a file, this script can be used to restore altered configuration settings.
Displays a list of commands.
»netsh »advfirewall »mainmode »help
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall mainmode help ? Usage: help Remarks: Displays a list of commands.
Sets new values for properties of an existing rule.
»netsh »advfirewall »mainmode »set
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall mainmode set ? The following commands are available: Commands in this context: set rule - Sets new values for properties of an existing rule.
Sets new values for properties of an existing rule.
»netsh »advfirewall »mainmode »set »rule
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall mainmode set rule ? Usage: set rule name=<String> [profile=public|private|domain|any[,...]] [type=dynamic|static (default=static)] new [name=<string>] [mmsecmethods= dhgroup1|dhgroup2|dhgroup14|dhgroup24|ecdhp256| ecdhp384:3des|des|aes128|aes192|aes256-md5|sha1|sha256| sha384[,...]|default] [mmforcedh=yes|no (default=no)] [mmkeylifetime=<num>min,<num>sess] [description=<string>] [enable=yes|no] [profile=public|private|domain|any[,...]] [endpoint1=any|localsubnet|dns|dhcp|wins|defaultgateway <IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>|<subnet>|<range>|<list>] [endpoint2=any|localsubnet|dns|dhcp|wins|defaultgateway| <IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>|<subnet>|<range>|<list>] [auth1=computerkerb|computercert|computercertecdsap256| computercertecdsap384|computerpsk|computerntlm|anonymous[,...]] [auth1psk=<string>] [auth1kerbproxyfqdn=<fully-qualified dns name>] [auth1ca="<CA Name> [certmapping:yes|no] [excludecaname:yes|no] [catype:root|intermediate (default=root)] [certhash:<Hex hash string, with no spaces or leading 0x>] [followrenewal:yes|no (default=no)] [certeku:<EKU, EKU, ...>] [certname:<CertName>] [certnametype:<SubjectAltDNS| SubjectAltEmail|SubjectCN|SubjectOU|SubjectO|SubjectDC>] [certcriteriatype:<Selection|Validation|Both (default=both)>] | ..."] [auth1healthcert=yes|no (default=no)] [auth1ecdsap256ca="<CA Name> [certmapping:yes|no] [excludecaname:yes|no] [catype:root|intermediate (default=root)] [certhash:<Hex hash string, with no spaces or leading 0x>] [followrenewal:yes|no (default=no)] [certeku:<EKU, EKU, ...>] [certname:<CertName>] [certnametype:<SubjectAltDNS| SubjectAltEmail|SubjectCN|SubjectOU|SubjectO|SubjectDC>] [certcriteriatype:<Selection|Validation|Both (default=both)>] | ..."] [auth1ecdsap256healthcert=yes|no (default=no)] [auth1ecdsap384ca="<CA Name> [certmapping:yes|no] [excludecaname:yes|no] [catype:root|intermediate (default=root)] [certhash:<Hex hash string, with no spaces or leading 0x>] [followrenewal:yes|no (default=no)] [certeku:<EKU, EKU, ...>] [certname:<CertName>] [certnametype:<SubjectAltDNS| SubjectAltEmail|SubjectCN|SubjectOU|SubjectO|SubjectDC>] [certcriteriatype:<Selection|Validation|Both (default=both)>] | ..."] [auth1ecdsap384healthcert=yes|no (default=no)] [profile= any|current|domain|private|public[,...]] Remarks: -Sets a new parameter value on an identified rule. The command fails if the rule does not exist. To create a rule, use the add command. -Values after the new keyword are updated in the rule. If there are no values, or keyword new is missing, no changes are made. -If multiple rules match the criteria, all matching rules will be updated. -Rule name should be unique and cannot be "all". -Auth1 can be comma-separated lists of options. Computerpsk and computerntlm methods cannot be specified together for auth1. -The use of DES, MD5 and DHGroup1 is not recommended. These cryptographic algorithms are provided for backward compatibility only. -The minimum main mode keylifetime is mmkeylifetime=1min. The maximum main mode mmkeylifetime= 2880min. The minimum number of sessions= 0 sessions. The maximum = 2,147,483,647 sessions. -The mmsecmethods keyword default sets the policy to: dhgroup2-aes128-sha1,dhgroup2-3des-sha1 -Certhash specifies the thumbprint, or hash of the certificate. -Followrenewal specifies whether to automatically follow renewal links in certificates. Only applicable for certificate section (requires certhash). -Certeku specifies the comma separated list of EKU OIDs to match in the certificate. -Certname specifies the string to match for certificate name (requires certnametype). -Certnametype specifies the certificate field for the certname to be matched against (requires certname). -Certcriteriatype specifies whether to take the action with the certificate when selecting the local certificate, validating the peer certificate, or both. Examples: Change the mmescmethods, description and keylifetime of a rule named test netsh advfirewall mainmode set rule name="test" new description="Mainmode for RATH2" Mmsecmethods=dhgroup2:3des-sha256,ecdhp384:3des-sha384 auth1=computerntlm mmkeylifetime=2min profile=domain
Displays a specified mainmode rule.
»netsh »advfirewall »mainmode »show
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall mainmode show ? The following commands are available: Commands in this context: show rule - Displays a specified mainmode rule.
Displays a specified mainmode rule.
»netsh »advfirewall »mainmode »show »rule
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall mainmode show rule ? Usage: show rule name=<string>|all [profile=all|current|public|private|domain[,...]] [type=dynamic|static (default=static)] [verbose] Remarks: - Display existing main mode settings that match the name specified. Displays all matching rules as specified by name and optionally, profile can be specified. If "all" is specified in the name, all mainmode settings will be shown for the profiles specified. Examples: Display a main mode rule by name test: netsh advfirewall mainmode show rule name="test"
Changes to the `netsh advfirewall monitor' context.
»netsh »advfirewall »monitor
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall monitor ? The following commands are available: Commands in this context: ? - Displays a list of commands. delete - Deletes all matching security associations. dump - Displays a configuration script. help - Displays a list of commands. show - Shows the runtime Firewall policy settings. To view help for a command, type the command, followed by a space, and then type ?.
Deletes all matching security associations.
»netsh »advfirewall »monitor »delete
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall monitor delete ? Usage: delete mmsa|qmsa [(source destination)|all] Remarks: - This command deletes the matching security association as specified by (source destination) pair. - Source and destination are each a single IPv4 or IPv6 address. Examples: Delete all quick mode security associations: netsh advfirewall monitor delete qmsa all Delete all main mode security associations between the two specified addresses: netsh advfirewall monitor delete mmsa 192.168.03
Displays a configuration script.
»netsh »advfirewall »monitor »dump
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall monitor dump ? Usage: dump Remarks: Creates a script that contains the current configuration. If saved to a file, this script can be used to restore altered configuration settings.
Displays a list of commands.
»netsh »advfirewall »monitor »help
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall monitor help ? Usage: help Remarks: Displays a list of commands.
Shows the runtime Firewall policy settings.
»netsh »advfirewall »monitor »show
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall monitor show ? The following commands are available: Commands in this context: show consec - Displays current consec state information. show currentprofile - Displays the currently active profiles. show firewall - Displays current firewall state information. show mainmode - Displays current mainmode state information. show mmsa - Displays the main mode SAs show qmsa - Displays the quick mode SAs.
Displays current consec state information.
»netsh »advfirewall »monitor »show »consec
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall monitor show consec ? Usage: show consec [rule name=<string> [profile=public|private|domain|active|any[,...]] ] [verbose] Remarks: - Displays the Connection Security configuration for all available network profiles - The [profile=] command enables the administrator to filter the output to specific profiles on the system or to only return results from Active or Inactive profiles - The [rule] command allows the administrator to scope the rule output to certain rule names and status to scope the output - The Verbose command adds support for displaying detailed security and advanced rule 'source name' information Examples: Display the current connection security state: netsh advfirewall monitor show consec Display the current connection security information for public profie: netsh advfirewall monitor show consec rule name=all profile=public
Displays the currently active profiles.
»netsh »advfirewall »monitor »show »currentprofile
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall monitor show currentprofile ? Usage: show currentprofile Remarks: - This command shows the network connections associated with currently active profiles. Examples: Shows all networks associated with the currently active profiles: netsh advfirewall monitor show currentprofile
Displays current firewall state information.
»netsh »advfirewall »monitor »show »firewall
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall monitor show firewall ? Usage: show firewall [rule name=<string> [dir=in|out] [profile=public|private|domain|active|any[,...]] ] [verbose] Remarks: - Displays the Windows Defender Firewall properties for all available network profiles. - The profile= argument enables the administrator to filter the output to specific profiles on the system. - The Verbose argument adds support for displaying detailed security and advanced rule 'source name' information. Examples: Display the current Firewall state: netsh advfirewall monitor show firewall Display the current outbound firewall rule for public profie: netsh advfirewall monitor show firewall rule name=all dir=out profile=public
Displays current mainmode state information.
»netsh »advfirewall »monitor »show »mainmode
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall monitor show mainmode ? Usage: show mainmode [rule name=<string> [profile=public|private|domain|active|any[,...]] ] [verbose] Remarks: - Displays the Main mode Security configuration for all available network profiles - The [profile=] command enables the administrator to filter the output to specific profiles on the system or to only return results from Active or Inactive profiles - The [rule] command allows the administrator to scope the rule output to certain rule names and status to scope the output - The Verbose command adds support for displaying detailed security and advanced rule 'source name' information Examples: Display the current main mode information for public profie: netsh advfirewall monitor show mainmode rule name=all profile=public
Displays the main mode SAs
»netsh »advfirewall »monitor »show »mmsa
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall monitor show mmsa ? Usage: show mmsa [(source destination)|all] Remarks: - This command shows the security association, or as filtered by (source destination) pair. - Source and destination are each a single IPv4 or IPv6 address. Examples: Show all main mode SAs: netsh advfirewall monitor show mmsa Show the main mode SAs between the two addresses: netsh advfirewall monitor show mmsa
Displays the quick mode SAs.
»netsh »advfirewall »monitor »show »qmsa
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall monitor show qmsa ? Usage: show qmsa [(source destination)|all] Remarks: - This command shows the security association, or as filtered by (source destination) pair. - Source and destination are each a single IPv4 or IPv6 address. Examples: Show all quick mode SAs: netsh advfirewall monitor show qmsa Show the quick mode SAs between the two addresses: netsh advfirewall monitor show qmsa
Resets the policy to the default out-of-box policy.
»netsh »advfirewall »reset
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall reset ? Usage: reset [export <path\filename>] Remarks: - Restores the Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security policy to the default policy. The current active policy can be optionally exported to a specified file. - In a Group Policy object, this command returns all settings to notconfigured and deletes all connection security and firewall rules. Examples: Backup the current policy and restore out-of-box policy: netsh advfirewall reset export "c:\backuppolicy.wfw"
Sets the per-profile or global settings.
»netsh »advfirewall »set
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall set ? The following commands are available: Commands in this context: set allprofiles - Sets properties in all profiles. set currentprofile - Sets properties in the active profile. set domainprofile - Sets properties in the domain profile. set global - Sets the global properties. set privateprofile - Sets properties in the private profile. set publicprofile - Sets properties in the public profile.
Sets properties in all profiles.
»netsh »advfirewall »set »allprofiles
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall set allprofiles ? Usage: set allprofiles (parameter) (value) Parameters: state - Configure the firewall state. Usage: state on|off|notconfigured firewallpolicy - Configures default inbound and outbound behavior. Usage: firewallpolicy (inbound behavior),(outbound behavior) Inbound behavior: blockinbound - Block inbound connections that do not match an inbound rule. blockinboundalways - Block all inbound connections even if the connection matches a rule. allowinbound - Allow inbound connections that do not match a rule. notconfigured - Return the value to its unconfigured state. Outbound behavior: allowoutbound - Allow outbound connections that do not match a rule. blockoutbound - Block outbound connections that do not match a rule. notconfigured - Return the value to its unconfigured state. settings - Configures firewall settings. Usage: settings (parameter) enable|disable|notconfigured Parameters: localfirewallrules - Merge local firewall rules with Group Policy rules. Valid when configuring a Group Policy store. localconsecrules - Merge local connection security rules with Group Policy rules. Valid when configuring a Group Policy store. inboundusernotification - Notify user when a program listens for inbound connections. remotemanagement - Allow remote management of Windows Firewall. unicastresponsetomulticast - Control stateful unicast response to multicast. logging - Configures logging settings. Usage: logging (parameter) (value) Parameters: allowedconnections - Log allowed connections. Values: enable|disable|notconfigured droppedconnections - Log dropped connections. Values: enable|disable|notconfigured filename - Name and location of the firewall log. Values: <string>|notconfigured maxfilesize - Maximum log file size in kilobytes. Values: 1 - 32767|notconfigured Remarks: - Configures profile settings for all profiles. - The "notconfigured" value is valid only for a Group Policy store. Examples: Turn the firewall off for all profiles: netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off Set the default behavior to block inbound and allow outbound connections on all profiles: netsh advfirewall set allprofiles firewallpolicy blockinbound,allowoutbound Turn on remote management on all profiles: netsh advfirewall set allprofiles settings remotemanagement enable Log dropped connections on all profiles: netsh advfirewall set allprofiles logging droppedconnections enable
Sets properties in the active profile.
»netsh »advfirewall »set »currentprofile
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall set currentprofile ? Usage: set currentprofile (parameter) (value) Parameters: state - Configure the firewall state. Usage: state on|off|notconfigured firewallpolicy - Configures default inbound and outbound behavior. Usage: firewallpolicy (inbound behavior),(outbound behavior) Inbound behavior: blockinbound - Block inbound connections that do not match an inbound rule. blockinboundalways - Block all inbound connections even if the connection matches a rule. allowinbound - Allow inbound connections that do not match a rule. notconfigured - Return the value to its unconfigured state. Outbound behavior: allowoutbound - Allow outbound connections that do not match a rule. blockoutbound - Block outbound connections that do not match a rule. notconfigured - Return the value to its unconfigured state. settings - Configures firewall settings. Usage: settings (parameter) enable|disable|notconfigured Parameters: localfirewallrules - Merge local firewall rules with Group Policy rules. Valid when configuring a Group Policy store. localconsecrules - Merge local connection security rules with Group Policy rules. Valid when configuring a Group Policy store. inboundusernotification - Notify user when a program listens for inbound connections. remotemanagement - Allow remote management of Windows Firewall. unicastresponsetomulticast - Control stateful unicast response to multicast. logging - Configures logging settings. Usage: logging (parameter) (value) Parameters: allowedconnections - Log allowed connections. Values: enable|disable|notconfigured droppedconnections - Log dropped connections. Values: enable|disable|notconfigured filename - Name and location of the firewall log. Values: <string>|notconfigured maxfilesize - Maximum log file size in kilobytes. Values: 1 - 32767|notconfigured Remarks: - Configures profile settings for the currently active profile. - The "notconfigured" value is valid only for a Group Policy store. Examples: Turn the firewall off on the currently active profile: netsh advfirewall set currentprofile state off Set the default behavior to block inbound and allow outbound connections on the currently active profile: netsh advfirewall set currentprofile firewallpolicy blockinbound,allowoutbound Turn on remote management on the currently active profile: netsh advfirewall set currentprofile settings remotemanagement enable Log dropped connections on the currently active profile: netsh advfirewall set currentprofile logging droppedconnections enable
Sets properties in the domain profile.
»netsh »advfirewall »set »domainprofile
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall set domainprofile ? Usage: set domainprofile (parameter) (value) Parameters: state - Configure the firewall state. Usage: state on|off|notconfigured firewallpolicy - Configures default inbound and outbound behavior. Usage: firewallpolicy (inbound behavior),(outbound behavior) Inbound behavior: blockinbound - Block inbound connections that do not match an inbound rule. blockinboundalways - Block all inbound connections even if the connection matches a rule. allowinbound - Allow inbound connections that do not match a rule. notconfigured - Return the value to its unconfigured state. Outbound behavior: allowoutbound - Allow outbound connections that do not match a rule. blockoutbound - Block outbound connections that do not match a rule. notconfigured - Return the value to its unconfigured state. settings - Configures firewall settings. Usage: settings (parameter) enable|disable|notconfigured Parameters: localfirewallrules - Merge local firewall rules with Group Policy rules. Valid when configuring a Group Policy store. localconsecrules - Merge local connection security rules with Group Policy rules. Valid when configuring a Group Policy store. inboundusernotification - Notify user when a program listens for inbound connections. remotemanagement - Allow remote management of Windows Firewall. unicastresponsetomulticast - Control stateful unicast response to multicast. logging - Configures logging settings. Usage: logging (parameter) (value) Parameters: allowedconnections - Log allowed connections. Values: enable|disable|notconfigured droppedconnections - Log dropped connections. Values: enable|disable|notconfigured filename - Name and location of the firewall log. Values: <string>|notconfigured maxfilesize - Maximum log file size in kilobytes. Values: 1 - 32767|notconfigured Remarks: - Configures domain profile settings. - The "notconfigured" value is valid only for a Group Policy store. Examples: Turn the firewall off when the domain profile is active: netsh advfirewall set domainprofile state off Set the default behavior to block inbound and allow outbound connections when the domain profile is active: netsh advfirewall set domainprofile firewallpolicy blockinbound,allowoutbound Turn on remote management when the domain profile is active: netsh advfirewall set domainprofile settings remotemanagement enable Log dropped connections when the domain profile is active: netsh advfirewall set domainprofile logging droppedconnections enable
Sets the global properties.
»netsh »advfirewall »set »global
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall set global ? Usage: set global statefulftp|statefulpptp enable|disable|notconfigured set global ipsec (parameter) (value) set global mainmode (parameter) (value) | notconfigured IPsec Parameters: strongcrlcheck - Configures how CRL checking is enforced. 0: Disable CRL checking (default) 1: Fail if cert is revoked 2: Fail on any error notconfigured: Returns the value to its not configured state. saidletimemin - Configures the security association idle time in minutes. - Usage: 5-60|notconfigured (default=5) defaultexemptions - Configures the default IPsec exemptions. Default is to exempt IPv6 neighbordiscovery protocol and DHCP from IPsec. - Usage: none|neighbordiscovery|icmp|dhcp|notconfigured ipsecthroughnat - Configures when security associations can be established with a computer behind a network address translator. - Usage: never|serverbehindnat| serverandclientbehindnat| notconfigured(default=never) authzcomputergrp - Configures the computers that are authorized to establish tunnel mode connections. - Usage: none|<SDDL string>|notconfigured authzusergrp - Configures the users that are authorized to establish tunnel mode connections. - Usage: none|<SDDL string>|notconfigured Main Mode Parameters: mmkeylifetime - Sets main mode key lifetime in minutes or sessions, or both. - Usage: <num>min,<num>sess minlifetime: <1> min, maxlifetime: <2880> min minsessions: <0> sessions, maxsessions: <2,147,483,647> sessions mmsecmethods - configures the main mode list of proposals - Usage: keyexch:enc-integrity,keyexch:enc-integrity[,...]|default - keyexch=dhgroup1|dhgroup2|dhgroup14|dhgroup24| ecdhp256|ecdhp384 - enc=3des|des|aes128|aes192|aes256 - integrity=md5|sha1|sha256|sha384 mmforcedh - configures the option to use DH to secure key exchange. - Usage: yes|no (default=no) Remarks: - Configures global settings, including advanced IPsec options. - The use of DES, MD5 and DHGroup1 is not recommended. These cryptographic algorithms are provided for backward compatibility only. - The mmsecmethods keyword default sets the policy to: dhgroup2-aes128-sha1,dhgroup2-3des-sha1 Examples: Disable CRL checking: netsh advfirewall set global ipsec strongcrlcheck 0 Turn on the Firewall support for stateful FTP: netsh advfirewall set global statefulftp enable Set global main mode proposals to the default value: netsh advfirewall set global mainmode mmsecmethods default Set global main mode proposals to a customer list: netsh advfirewall set global mainmode mmsecmethods dhgroup1:des-md5,dhgroup1:3des-sha1
Sets properties in the private profile.
»netsh »advfirewall »set »privateprofile
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall set privateprofile ? Usage: set privateprofile (parameter) (value) Parameters: state - Configure the firewall state. Usage: state on|off|notconfigured firewallpolicy - Configures default inbound and outbound behavior. Usage: firewallpolicy (inbound behavior),(outbound behavior) Inbound behavior: blockinbound - Block inbound connections that do not match an inbound rule. blockinboundalways - Block all inbound connections even if the connection matches a rule. allowinbound - Allow inbound connections that do not match a rule. notconfigured - Return the value to its unconfigured state. Outbound behavior: allowoutbound - Allow outbound connections that do not match a rule. blockoutbound - Block outbound connections that do not match a rule. notconfigured - Return the value to its unconfigured state. settings - Configures firewall settings. Usage: settings (parameter) enable|disable|notconfigured Parameters: localfirewallrules - Merge local firewall rules with Group Policy rules. Valid when configuring a Group Policy store. localconsecrules - Merge local connection security rules with Group Policy rules. Valid when configuring a Group Policy store. inboundusernotification - Notify user when a program listens for inbound connections. remotemanagement - Allow remote management of Windows Firewall. unicastresponsetomulticast - Control stateful unicast response to multicast. logging - Configures logging settings. Usage: logging (parameter) (value) Parameters: allowedconnections - Log allowed connections. Values: enable|disable|notconfigured droppedconnections - Log dropped connections. Values: enable|disable|notconfigured filename - Name and location of the firewall log. Values: <string>|notconfigured maxfilesize - Maximum log file size in kilobytes. Values: 1 - 32767|notconfigured Remarks: - Configures private profile settings. - The "notconfigured" value is valid only for a Group Policy store. Examples: Turn the firewall off when the private profile is active: netsh advfirewall set privateprofile state off Set the default behavior to block inbound and allow outbound connections when the private profile is active: netsh advfirewall set privateprofile firewallpolicy blockinbound,allowoutbound Turn on remote management when the private profile is active: netsh advfirewall set privateprofile settings remotemanagement enable Log dropped connections when the private profile is active: netsh advfirewall set privateprofile logging droppedconnections enable
Sets properties in the public profile.
»netsh »advfirewall »set »publicprofile
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall set publicprofile ? Usage: set publicprofile (parameter) (value) Parameters: state - Configure the firewall state. Usage: state on|off|notconfigured firewallpolicy - Configures default inbound and outbound behavior. Usage: firewallpolicy (inbound behavior),(outbound behavior) Inbound behavior: blockinbound - Block inbound connections that do not match an inbound rule. blockinboundalways - Block all inbound connections even if the connection matches a rule. allowinbound - Allow inbound connections that do not match a rule. notconfigured - Return the value to its unconfigured state. Outbound behavior: allowoutbound - Allow outbound connections that do not match a rule. blockoutbound - Block outbound connections that do not match a rule. notconfigured - Return the value to its unconfigured state. settings - Configures firewall settings. Usage: settings (parameter) enable|disable|notconfigured Parameters: localfirewallrules - Merge local firewall rules with Group Policy rules. Valid when configuring a Group Policy store. localconsecrules - Merge local connection security rules with Group Policy rules. Valid when configuring a Group Policy store. inboundusernotification - Notify user when a program listens for inbound connections. remotemanagement - Allow remote management of Windows Firewall. unicastresponsetomulticast - Control stateful unicast response to multicast. logging - Configures logging settings. Usage: logging (parameter) (value) Parameters: allowedconnections - Log allowed connections. Values: enable|disable|notconfigured droppedconnections - Log dropped connections. Values: enable|disable|notconfigured filename - Name and location of the firewall log. Values: <string>|notconfigured maxfilesize - Maximum log file size in kilobytes. Values: 1 - 32767|notconfigured Remarks: - Configures public profile settings. - The "notconfigured" value is valid only for a Group Policy store. Examples: Turn the firewall off when the public profile is active: netsh advfirewall set publicprofile state off Set the default behavior to block inbound and allow outbound connections when the public profile is active: netsh advfirewall set publicprofile firewallpolicy blockinbound,allowoutbound Turn on remote management when the public profile is active: netsh advfirewall set publicprofile settings remotemanagement enable Log dropped connections when the public profile is active: netsh advfirewall set publicprofile logging droppedconnections enable
Displays profile or global properties.
»netsh »advfirewall »show
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall show ? The following commands are available: Commands in this context: show allprofiles - Displays properties for all profiles. show currentprofile - Displays properties for the active profile. show domainprofile - Displays properties for the domain properties. show global - Displays the global properties. show privateprofile - Displays properties for the private profile. show publicprofile - Displays properties for the public profile. show store - Displays the policy store for the current interactive session.
Displays properties for all profiles.
»netsh »advfirewall »show »allprofiles
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall show allprofiles ? Usage: show allprofiles [parameter] Parameters: state - Displays whether Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security is on or off. firewallpolicy - Displays default inbound and outbound firewall behavior. settings - Displays firewall properties. logging - Displays logging settings. Remarks: - Displays the properties for all profiles. If a parameter is not specified, all properties are displayed. Examples: Display the firewall state for all propfiles: netsh advfirewall show allprofiles state
Displays properties for the active profile.
»netsh »advfirewall »show »currentprofile
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall show currentprofile ? Usage: show currentprofile [parameter] Parameters: state - Displays whether Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security is on or off. firewallpolicy - Displays default inbound and outbound firewall behavior. settings - Displays firewall properties. logging - Displays logging settings. Remarks: - Displays the properties for the active profile. If a parameter is not specified, all properties are displayed. Examples: Display the active profile firewall state: netsh advfirewall show currentprofile state
Displays properties for the domain properties.
»netsh »advfirewall »show »domainprofile
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall show domainprofile ? Usage: show domainprofile [parameter] Parameters: state - Displays whether Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security is on or off. firewallpolicy - Displays default inbound and outbound firewall behavior. settings - Displays firewall properties. logging - Displays logging settings. Remarks: - Displays the properties for the domain profile. If a parameter is not specified, all properties are displayed. Examples: Display the domain profile firewall state: netsh advfirewall show domainprofile state
Displays the global properties.
»netsh »advfirewall »show »global
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall show global ? Usage: show global [property] Parameters: ipsec - Shows IPsec specific settings. statefulftp - Shows stateful ftp support. statefulpptp - Shows stateful pptp support. This value is Ignored in Windows 7 and is available only to manage downlevel Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security systems. mainmode - Shows Main Mode settings. categories - Shows Firewall Categories. Remarks: - Displays the global property settings. If a parameter is not specified, all properties are displayed. Examples: Display IPsec settings: netsh advfirewall show global ipsec Display main mode settings: netsh advfirewall show global mainmode
Displays properties for the private profile.
»netsh »advfirewall »show »privateprofile
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall show privateprofile ? Usage: show privateprofile [parameter] Parameters: state - Displays whether Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security is on or off. firewallpolicy - Displays default inbound and outbound firewall behavior. settings - Displays firewall properties. logging - Displays logging settings. Remarks: - Displays the properties for the private profile. If a parameter is not specified, all properties are displayed. Examples: Display the private profile firewall state: netsh advfirewall show privateprofile state
Displays properties for the public profile.
»netsh »advfirewall »show »publicprofile
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall show publicprofile ? Usage: show publicprofile [parameter] Parameters: state - Displays whether Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security is on or off. firewallpolicy - Displays default inbound and outbound firewall behavior. settings - Displays firewall properties. logging - Displays logging settings. Remarks: - Displays the properties for the public profile. If a parameter is not specified, all properties are displayed. Examples: Display the public profile firewall state: netsh advfirewall show publicprofile state
Displays the policy store for the current interactive session.
»netsh »advfirewall »show »store
C:\Windows>netsh advfirewall show store ? Usage: show store Remarks: - This command displays the current policy store. Example: netsh advfirewall show store
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