netsh » firewall » set » allowedprogram

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1986-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\WINDOWS>netsh firewall set allowedprogram ? set allowedprogram [ program = ] path [ [ name = ] name [ mode = ] ENABLE|DISABLE [ scope = ] ALL|SUBNET|CUSTOM [ addresses = ] addresses [ profile = ] CURRENT|DOMAIN|STANDARD|ALL ] Sets firewall allowed program configuration. Parameters: program - Program path and file name. name - Program name (optional). mode - Program mode (optional). ENABLE - Allow through firewall (default). DISABLE - Do not allow through firewall. scope - Program scope (optional). ALL - Allow all traffic through firewall (default). SUBNET - Allow only local network (subnet) traffic through firewall. CUSTOM - Allow only specified traffic through firewall. addresses - Custom scope addresses (optional). profile - Configuration profile (optional). CURRENT - Current profile (default). DOMAIN - Domain profile. STANDARD - Standard profile. ALL - All profiles. Remarks: 'scope' must be 'CUSTOM' to specify 'addresses'. Examples: set allowedprogram C:\MyApp\MyApp.exe MyApp ENABLE set allowedprogram C:\MyApp\MyApp.exe MyApp DISABLE set allowedprogram C:\MyApp\MyApp.exe MyApp ENABLE CUSTOM,,,LocalSubnet set allowedprogram program = C:\MyApp\MyApp.exe name = MyApp mode = ENABLE set allowedprogram program = C:\MyApp\MyApp.exe name = MyApp mode = DISABLE set allowedprogram program = C:\MyApp\MyApp.exe name = MyApp mode = ENABLE scope = CUSTOM addresses =,,,LocalSubnet


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Sets firewall allowed program configuration. / Windows 2000/XP

HTTP: ... cmd/en/Windows_XP/netsh/firewall/set/allowedprogram.htm
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