netsh » ras » set

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7000]
(C) Copyright 2009 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Windows>netsh ras set ? The following commands are available: Commands in this context: set authmode - Sets the authentication mode. set client - Reset the statistics or disconnect a Remote Access Client. set conf - Sets the configuration state of the server. set ikev2connection - Sets the idle timeout and network outage time values for IKEv2 connections. set ikev2saexpiry - Sets the IKEv2 Security Association's expiration controls. set portstatus - Resets the statistics information of RAS ports. set sstp-ssl-cert - Sets the current SSTP Certificate configuration set type - Sets the Router and RAS functionalities of the computer. set user - Sets the Remote Access properties of a user. set wanports - Sets the RAS WAN ports options.


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Sets configuration information. / Windows 10, 8.1, Seven

HTTP: ... cmd/en/Windows_7/netsh/ras/set.htm
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