Microsoft Windows
[Version 6.1.7000
](C) Copyright 2009 Microsoft Corp.
:\Windows>netsh ras set ?
The following commands are available
Commands in this context
set authmode - Sets the authentication mode.
set client - Reset the statistics or disconnect a Remote Access Client.
set conf - Sets the configuration state of the server.
set ikev2connection - Sets the idle timeout and network outage time values for IKEv2 connections.
set ikev2saexpiry - Sets the IKEv2 Security Association's expiration controls.
set portstatus - Resets the statistics information of RAS ports.
set sstp-ssl-cert - Sets the current SSTP Certificate configuration
set type - Sets the Router and RAS functionalities of the computer.
set user - Sets the Remote Access properties of a user.
set wanports - Sets the RAS WAN ports options.